Chapter 4

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*A little time skip..aha*

Kaylee and I went on many dates the rest of the week, especially when I came back from my suspension. We've been going out almost every day afterschool for a few weeks, and I think I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend today.

It's currently 5pm on a Friday, I asked her to dinner, which she gladly accepted.

I took a shower and got ready quite fast as I'm running a bit late. I decided to dress somewhat formal for tonight, since we're going to a fancy restaurant.

I drove to her house around 5:40. When I got there she wasn't standing outside, so I knocked on the door. Fuck. Her brother.

"Hey Brett, I'm here for Kaylee."

"Yeah, yeah..I figured.."

He scoffed before inviting me inside. Thankfully Kaylee came down in a few minutes. She was wearing a stunning green dress that complimented her figure perfectly.

"Take a picture; it'll last longer," she teased.

My face reddened as she said that, "Sorry, you just look stunning.

We were both standing there blushing.

"Well- I made reservations.."

She smiled and intertwined out fingers. I lead her to the car and opened the door for her. I let her pick the songs on the way to the restaurant. We have the same music taste, so it wasn't much trouble.

When we arrived I parked near the front entrance. I was vibing to the song, so I didn't turn the car off.

"You didn't have to bring me to such a fancy restaurant for dinner."

"I know, but I wanted to," I smiled.

She blushed and looked away. Now's my chance to be loverboy.

I placed my hand under her chin, and tilted it up towards me. I smiled as her blush deepened.

I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. Her hands trailed to my neck as we kissed. When we parted, I smiled again.

"I've been wanting to do that for awhile," I said.

"That was I mean.."

I chuckled softly at her flustered state.

"Let's go inside, huh?" I said.

"Yeah," she replied. I shut the engine off and exited the vehicle before her so I could open her door.

We sat down and ordered our food, they gave us a bunch of sides as well so we ate all of them graciously. Not much happened, we just talked and finished our food.

I paid for our meal before we walked outside.

"Thank you, loverboy, " Kaylee said teasingly.

"Mm so you think I'm a loverboy, huh?"

"You are."

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