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POV Beth
It's now a few weeks later, and tomorrow Daniëlle will fly to Tokyo for the Olympics. Sadly I'm not in the squad for team Gb, but I'll support them.

I'm so proud of Daniëlle that she's going.


We are now at emy's house, because we'll have a barbecue with Daniëlle's family. Tomorrow night, will Tess and I fly back to England, because my pre-season starts soon, so I have to go back to the club.

Tess is already the whole day clingy. She only wants to be hold by Daniëlle. I think she's scared to miss her, and also because Daniëlle will go to Lyon, so she won't see her in a long time.

"Tess can you sit alone on that chair?" Daniëlle asked. Anne wanted to sit with her. "Noo." She whined. "Tess, you can sit with me if you want?" She shook her head, and started kicking around. "Tess stop, I know you want to sit with mommy, but now Anne wants to, so you can sit on my lap or on that chair." She started to cry. I picked her up from Daniëlle's lap. She laid her head on my chest, while still crying. I stand up and walk inside, where it's a little calmer. "Shh it's okay. What's wrong?" I asked, while rubbing her back softly. "I- I d-don't wanna m-miss m-mommy." She cried. This is exactly what I expected. "Ahw me neither, but she'll come back after the Olympics, we will call every day, I promise you." At that moment Daniëlle came in. She picked Tess over from me, and sat down next to me. "Tess, honey. What's wrong?" She asked softly. "I- I d- don't wanna m- miss you." She cried. "Shh. Me neither, but I'll be back before you know it! We'll call everyday, I promise you." She said as she gave her a kiss.

After Tess calmed down, we walked back outside to eat. Tess was sitting the whole time with Daniëlle, because she only wanted to sit with her.

When we came back home, we put Tess to bed. She slept in our room, because she wanted that.


It was the next morning, when Daniëlle and I woke up, from the alarm. We had to go to Schiphol in 2 hours. Tess also woke up. "Goodmorning honey." I said as I gave her a kiss. She climbed on top of Daniëlle. "Morning." Daniëlle gave her also a kiss. After laying in bed for a few minutes, we changed and walked downstairs. We picked some bread, and ate it.


We've arrived at the airport. Tess had not let go of Daniëlle, so I'm a little scared how it will be when she walks through the security. We walked inside, and walked to the place where they should be. When everyone was there, it was time to say goodbye. "Bye babe, I love you so much!" Daniëlle when she gave me a kiss. "Bye babe! You've got this! I love you so much!" I gave her a kiss. "Bye honey! I love you baby." Tess started to cry. "Shh. I'll be back soon. I promise you!" Tess nodded slowly, but kept crying. After she gave her a kiss. Daniëlle gave her to me. Tess laid her head down in my neck, and cried. Daniëlle left, and Tess started to cry even harder. We went back to the car, to drive back home.

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