chapter 4 ( boys POV)

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Dark's POV
As soon as she gave me the red potion my real wounds (small cuts to make it look real, and the very very painful stab to the gut) healed and I felt much better but I couldn't show it. 'I have to wait or it won't work' I told myself 'just a little longer'.
"Da-Dark" she cried. "Dark c-come on wake up... Th-this isn't fun-funny.." Draga shook me as if to wake me, but I continued to lay there breathing too faintly for her to notice. "Come on wake up" she stopped her shaking. I opened my eyes slightly and carefully to see what was happening, and I saw her staring at my chest. I almost chuckled. 'Now isn't this supposed to be the other way around' I thought devilishly.
" you can't be dead" Draga cried and laid her head on the bed in cased in her arms sobbing.
I couldn't help it. I started to chuckle and that chuckle turned into a full on laugh as she lifted her head. She looked at me with a confused but happy expression. I was laughing so hard I was doubled over, and tears were pricking the side of my eyes. "DARK" my partner yelled and hugged me with a python like grip. "Your okay" she exclaimed happily. I pretended to cough but it came out as a scoff "of course I am, I wasn't really hurt-" I was going to continue but she cut me off.
Her eyes widened with disbelief and shock with little flick's of anger.'Oh, shit' I thought 'abort mission, I repeat abort mission'. I slow back up before she yelled "What!?" right in my ear. I sighed inwardly 'cat's out of the bag now might as well tell the truth'. "Yeah it was a prank to see of you liked me or not. And obviously you do" I said as matter of factly and smirked.
I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid my plan was...That was a huge mistake. When I looked up I saw her eyes flash red. My eyes widened as I bolted up and off the bed. I opened my mouth to speak as Draga began to morph in to her half-dragon form, or as I like to call it her back-the-*u*k-off-bixtch-unless-you-want-to-die form. "This was a PRANK!!! I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU...YOU...YOU JERK" she roared infuriated and in dragonese. Which I somehow know from her teaching me. She raised her hand/talon and brang it down quickly to meet my cheek, snaping my head sideways. It left 3 long scratches from my cheekbone to my jaw in its wake and it burned like hell. " I-I was so worr-worried" she cried. And with that stormed out of our dorm. I looked down cupping my inflamed cheek. "What have I done.....(I grabbed my phone as I got an idea)Ben and Rebecca have fought millions of times I am sure he will know what to do". The phone rang as I hoped Ben will pick-up. "Hello" a dull voice sounded through the phone. "BEN, it's me Dark....I need your help" I pleaded. "K, wait.... Rebecca what are you doing" BEN's voice got farther away. "Hey let go of me...Ouch" I heard him growl. "DARK!!" he screamed through the phone. "Yes~" I answered sweetly. "What did you do to Draga!? She just ran into the apartment crying and Rebecca kicked me out" he shouted. I gulped "come over and I will explain." He sighed "Ok, put the phone on the floor." I did as he asked, and he came through the phone with sparks flying. He dusted him self off then glared at me. "Explain NOW!!" I gulped and started to explain what happened.

"... And then she ran out" I finished. BEN looked at me with a blank expression. He slowly got up and stood behind me and...WHACK! "OOWW!" I shouted. BEN just hit me upside the head. I looked at him with a 'What the f*ck' look in my face. He looked at me with a emotionless face. " You are an A class idiot( if you get this have a cookie), you shouldn't have done that. Heck you shouldn't have even thought of that. You really think that would make her love you or care for you. If you hadn't noticed she does love you. Think of how many times she put her life on the line for you, she saved you ass sooo many times and you do that to her, plus I heard her and Rebecca when you first became partners and she came to our apartment. She said and I quote " I am going to keep him save at all times no matter what. If he dies...I don't know what I would do". She was drunk but that's the only time she has to tells the complete and utter truth even if she doesn't want to". I looked down at my lap. I sighed " I know, I don't now what I was thinking... I-" I was cut off as the gashes on my face started to burn with more intensity and I winched in pain. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a vile. BEN whistled "she hit you hard". I nodded " I know, it hurts more then anything I have felt before. I am honestly surprised that I haven't passed out yet". I opened the bottle and scooped up some of the paste with my fingers and applied it to my face. A second later the paste turned clear and the gashes were now hair thin small scratches. "Whoa" BEN exclaimed "what is that?". "A dragon medicine" I replied. "Draga said that if I was ever hit by a dragon, and she wasn't around, to apply this and the pain and most of the wound will disappear...I just never expected to use it after her.." It fell silent after that.
Not too long after that BEN's phone rang. "Hey Jack what's up....Clockwork is gone......and Jane too. I am currently at Darks place come over I have a feeling I know what's going on..k see you in 5". He hung up the phone and glared at me. I normally not scared of BEN but he terrified me right now.

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