XLI. Bye Bye Baby

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When Abby enters the studio late that Monday, Bianca instantly knew something terrible had happened.

"Hey girls," Abby says grimly.

"What do you think happened?" Bianca whispers to Elsa. Right now, Abby looks sadder than when Cathy beat them in New Jersey, and she can't think of a reason why.

Elsa shrugs. "I don't know."

Abby walks over so that she's standing in front of the girls. "Okay, this is going to be a rough week for me. Broadway Passed away."

"Oh my God," Bianca mutters, mouth quickly covering her open mouth. He was just in the studio three weeks ago. "What happened?"

"Are you okay, Abby?" Elsa asks worriedly.

Abby shakes her head. "She was lethargic, and I knew something was wrong, but I just thought that hAd eaten something that didn't agree with her, and she was just kind of down and out. But it ended up being kidney failure. I mean, I know she's 16, but she's your kid. It's like your kid."

"It's hard. I mean, we... it's hard"," Christi sympathizes.

"I'm here," Abby clasps her hands together, taking a deep breath. "We need to get ready. We are going to St.Louis to Dance Xpressions. It's a huge competition."

When Abby turns away to wipe the tears from her face, Bianca feels a sharp pang in her chest. I can't imagine what Abby feels right now. Maybe she shouldn't be here this week. Gianna can handle a week without her.

"On the bottom, we have Paige. Paige, the reason you're on the bottom is the duet. We need--" Abby waves a finger around the room. "all of us in this room-- need to be confident in you, in your performance. Next on the pyramid... is Brooke. Brooke, for you to get in the top five was good. For you not to win was bad."

Bianca glances at Kelly, hoping and praying she doesn't say anything. When she doesn't, Bianca lets out a sigh of relief before turning back to Abby.

"And next, Mackenzie. I thought for you to be doing the same choreography as a 14-year old was great," Abby compliments. "Moving up, next on the pyramid is Kendall. Kendall, I think you're good at evil. I thought you looked really good in the costume, and I thought you went out there and you sold it.

"And... next we have Nia. Nia, you're here because, again, your facial expressions-- you told the story. Next Elsa. You were beautiful in the trio, and you looked great in the group routine. Next, we have Bianca. Surprisingly I thought you looked better in the group than the trio.

"Like Kendall, you're good at evil. And next, we have Sabrina. You were the perfect Lead for this routine. You gave just enough facial expression to tell the story without being cheesy."

"Thank you," Sabrina says softly.

"And at the top of the pyramid once again-- Maddie. You went out on that stage, you danced for your life, and you won. You stayed on top of this pyramid for another week. Chloe, just to make things perfectly clear-- you are still on suspension. Understood?"

Chloe nods.

It seems that everyone is a little on edge. Nobody wants to set Abby into a crying fit or evening worse, make her angry.

"Moving on. The group routine-- which Mackenzie is not in-- is called 'My Dream Will Be Your Dream,'" Abby announces. "It has a ton of ballet technique in it."

Bianca makes a face at that. The last time they've done anything remotely ballet influenced was 'Alouette.' The one that day, the routine was cheesy.

"So, this story is going to be an epic love story. It's going to be beautiful and entertaining," Abbu shifts towards the mothers. "Now, moms, I've taken care of the costume; the headpieces are being made. Everything is ready to go."

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