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Chapter Contains:
- Mentions of non-consentual touching
- Blood
- Fight


You pulled the car over to the side of the road so you wouldn't be in anyone's path. The realization finally hit you of what had happened, still shaken up you took your phone out from your right pocket and read over Armin's text over to make sure you viewed it correctly.


You kissed Ross? You told Eren
there was nothing like that
going on between the both of you.

what? no. why do you think
i would ever do something like

i don't think y/n, i know.


That stung. Armin was always so optimistic about others and always saw the best in them, why couldn't he do the same with you in this moment, the one time you really needed him to believe you. You then saw why. Armin sent you an image, showing a picture that was sure enough you and Ross. 'How the fuck-' A lot was elapsing through your mind. You typed away asking Armin to meet up with you. He responded with a simple 'Ok.' You were going to tell him everything.

You continued on your way but this time you were headed back to your own dorm. Once there you got in the elevator that led up to your floor, and walked to your door trying your best to hold your composure. You took your keys to unlock the door and stepped in, as you were closing the door a tear trickled down your cheek, many more following after. The tears weren't from sadness, they were filled with frustration. You stormed into your room taking your clothes off and throwing them on the floor as you picked out an entirely new outfit. That consisted of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. You didn't want that memory to linger on you any longer.

Laying in your bed you wiped the remaining tears away, you didn't want anyone to see you crying, and think you were weak. You decided to call Mikasa. She picked up after the fourth ring.


"Hey," you sniffles, "can you come over in an hour?"

"Sure- but wait are you crying?"

"No, that's besides the point. Just come over, I have something to tell you." You said sternly.

"Okay y/n, I'll be there."

You sat in your bed waiting for Mikasa and Armin, then you heard a knock at your door. There they were, side to side waiting to be invited in. You backed towards the wall and gestured for them to take a seat. Armin and Mikasa sat on the couch while you sat on the floor in front of them. Mikasa placed her bag on the ground beside her. There was awkward silence lingering before Armin spoke up.

"Okay y/n, come on. I had to sneak away from Eren to be here."

"Damn- okay sorry. Well first how'd you get the picture?" You asked him right away.

"I was on the game with Eren and the rest of the guys. There was a ding from Eren's phone so he opened it, a few seconds later he sounded upset and told everyone he was getting off so I asked him what was wrong, and he showed me the picture of you both. He told me not to interfere but as we can see now I didn't listen. When I left he was in his room doing god knows what." Armin looked in your direction.

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