Life in a nutshell.

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The sun beats down on my body as I force myself to open my eyes sweat dripping down as I muster myself to stand. I head for the bathroom to empty the contents of what's left from the night before. My head is foggy and my eyes glazed as I walk down the hall barely making it to the toilet before I feel the bile in my throat. I continue to vomit for what feels like forever before a small laugh comes from the doorway. I look up to see a man I don't recognize, maybe I met him last night? I don't remember much of it. I think for a second and then pull from my thoughts as quickly as it comes the vomit comes faster.

"Lightweight" he laughs before walking in and tying up my hair. I flinch at his Sudden movements towards me

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out" he stumbles back careful of his next move

"It's okay" I muttered before turning back to the toilet.

He stands there for a while watching me as I continue to empty everything in the bathroom before leaving me as soon as I'm done, I scoff and wipe my mouth before standing and splashing cold water onto my face. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth just trying to get the hell out of here. I walk back down the hall towards 'my room' and swing the door open to start getting ready for the day.

"Rylee be quiet!" My roommate tosses in her bed

"We are going to be late," I say shifting our clothes in the closet

"Dude no I'm not going today," she says pulling the blanket back over her face

"You don't have a choice" I turn pulling the covers off of her.

Marissa isn't one for early mornings but a few more late days and she'll be expelled, I couldn't let that happen to my best friend.

"Get dressed. Down in 5 or I'm coming with ice water." I yell throwing clothes at her as she sits up. I grab my phone off the charger to check it seeing mostly drunken stories from last night. I go to the bathroom again to fix my hair and makeup and then down to eat what I could stomach. I look at the time one last time and roll my eyes as the newbie makes his way down the steps.

"You look tired" he smiled

"And you look like an ass" I scoffed and with a glare from the other side of the room, I could feel being burned into my body. I don't look I continue eating.

"Ryleeeeee" Noah whines as he walks down the steps

"Noahhhhh," I say clearing and washing my plate

"Why does it have to be so early?" He whines again

"Uh because school starts in 30 minutes?" I laughed it off. I knew it was a rhetorical question but it's funny to mess with him

"Marissa out of bed yet?"

With those words, Noah looked at me and just gave me a look. The look I know all too well. The look that says yeah right or you're funny.

"I told her five minutes," I say as I grab a cup of cold water and get some ice from the freezer.

"Be nice" My foster mom says as she tips back what I only imagine is her 3rd bottle of vodka this morning from how she's slurring her words almost passing out.

I slam the door open once again and a look of dread fills Marissa's face as she realizes she fucked up.

"Rylee no!" She yells jumping out of bed trying to run from it. She runs down the hall to another room and locks the door swiftly

"Two minutes. And make them quick ones!"

"Fine!" She yells through the door and with that I walk away.

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