Disney High

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It was time for highschool. Jack and Elsa weren't friends. They didn't speak a word to each other over the summer, nothing. And Rapunzel and Jack were dating. They had been dating for the whole summer and for the month they had been in school. Elsa didn't think of him. Jack didn't think of her. Until Elsa found out that they were dating.

Elsa was furious. She absolutely hated it. She secretly wanted Jack. She wanted for them to be together. But, Elsa didn't say a word.

One day in Mrs. Poppin's class, they were rearranging seats. Alice and Elsa didn't get a seat with each other, but two other people did seats together. Elsa and Jack. They actually got a seat with one another. They STILL didn't say a word. Until..

E: hey Jack.

J: um. Do I know you?

E: it's me Elsa, or as you liked to call me Ellie.

J: oh. Hey.

E: well, how's You and Rapunzel?

J: good. No, not good, great!

E: oh. Well that's, um. So, Jack, um-

*BRRINNGG* went the bell.

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