Dream land

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I was in the garden once again. The tree's and the bright sun. All the flowers were there and I was away from reality.

I was alone. Yet I had a feeling of inclusion. There was a boy with blonde hair this time. He wasn't facing me. I called his name. And he turned half around.

I woke up. I remember calling his name...but I don't remember what it was.

I sat up in my bed... I looked out the window at the stars. They were shining bright and beautiful.

The moon shone bright. Creating shadows of objects in its way.

My window was half open. My legs were crossed and I was hunched over. I started to sing.  "Once upon a dream." From Lana Del Rey.

"Nice voice." I turned and quickly jumped up. There on the opposite side of the window was a boy dressed in black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt.

I screamed. He ran over to me and pinned me to the wall with his hand over my mouth.

"Don't scream. I won't hurt you. I promise." He had a childish voice. But he was at least 18. His eyes were green and big and they made me feel assured that he was okay.

"I'm here to help. I promise." He had really red lips. they looked kissable. When my breathing eased from being startled. He released  his grip.

"Why the hell are you in my room?" I  whispered in a loud voice.
'Shhhhh, My name is Mason, I'm here to take you." He was a very thin tall boy.
"What do you mean 'TAKE ME'???" I yelled. "I will call the police."

I frightened him when I said that. "No , no, I'm a from different world. I was told to take you away from you being treated unkindly and bring you to my home." He said.

I started laughing hysterically. "Oh god I'm probably dreaming still." I joked.
"Trust me, this is no dream." He whispered with a grin. " Come with me...I will show you." He grabbed my hand and started walking. I kept my ground.

"There is no way I'm walking out this house." I crossed my arms.
"What If I told you that you don't have to walk. What If I told you that...you could fly." He was looking at me. He wasn't forcing me to do anything. He was doing this for my benefit. I was also not to mention curious.

"Okay..." I gave him my hand he grasped it and smiled at me.

"Here is your Starting token. This shows that you agreed to come with me to my world." He held out a necklace with a tiny dove at the end. It was silver and very well crafted.

Axe murderes dont give you jewelry do they?

"So you agree to come with me Nadeen?"
"How did you know my name??"
"I told you. I was sent here by my protector. I know youre name atleast." He kind of giggled at my foolishness.

We walked to my window, he turned my body so both his hands were on my shoulders and I was looking at him straight in the eyes.

"You aren't afraid of heights are you?"  He asked, I wasn't really afraid of anything except for spiders and water.
"No. I don't think so." He gave me a quick grin, grabbed me to his body. So that his In arm supported my back and the other was under my knees.

"Hold on." He jumped out the window. I clutched his back so hard that I was sure there were nail marks on him. My eyes shut closed hard. I felt a swooping sensation and my tummy got butterflies, but it felt a bit unpleasant.  I could feel a cool breeze on my skin.

"Don't worry, you are safe now."  I opened one eye. We were about 200 meters above the ground. The city looked beautiful. Amazing.

There were care lights, house lights, building lights. I could see my school.

I smiled and looked up and let my arms dangle loose. He had wings. Black wings with feathers. Like an angle. I laughed, I felt a feeling of Euphoria. Like I was sniffing coke. The wind in my hair was a bit chilly. Bit I loved it.

"By tomorrow we will arrive at Mercadia." It was hard to hear what he was saying over the wind Who knew I'd wake up in the middle of the night to be saved from reality.

"How we get there?" I yelled over the sound.
"Get some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow." He smiled and blew warm air on to my face that warmed me up a bit.

He wasn't going to share the information with me yet. So I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep almost immediately.

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