[💌] - 8

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After a way too short weekend, a new school week began which meant it was Monday. Beomgyu's whole weekend consisted of almost never leaving his room, binge watching animes and other series on Netflix while eating instant food, drinking soft drinks and being alone as always in this huge mansion. Maybe his parents did came back in this time, he didn't know. Actually he had planned on chatting and phoning, just spending some time with Yeonjun but unfortunately the pink-haired was busy studying for upcoming exams. His next options were his two best friends, however, they were busy as well and Beomgyu ended up being alone by himself with a lot of unhealthy yet delicious food and tons of unfinished series on Netflix.

The raven-haired entered the school building a little nervous. He was exited to see Yeonjun again, still there was this slight nervousness. What if others saw them together and start assuming things that weren't true?
Beomgyu quickly reached his locker, he had luck because the hallway was quite empty.
A heart shaped, folded note flew towards him. Beomgyu caught it right away and unfolded it, scanning the words with a huge smile on his lips. He expected a cheesy pick up line as always but it wasn't.

Hi pretty...
I know I could tell you this in person as well but it all started with these notes and somehow I like this way and I like to continue this special thing between you and me.

Anyways, I absolutely enjoyed our date last Friday. The movie may have been bad but that doesn't matter. I loved the time with you.
I didn't know I can fall for you even more for you but I did.
You have me wrapped around your little finger and I can't complain.

I'm sorry that I was so busy studying, maybe I can make up for that?
Ice cream, after school?
And I'll promise, no debates about mint choco. ^^
~ DC

Beomgyu looked up to unexpectedly see the older standing maybe ten meters away from him at the corner of the almost empty hallway, a curious expression on his face and a charming smile on the plump lips. The smaller knew what Yeonjun wanted to know and placed his index finger on his pursed lips as if he was thinking. Then he happily nodded, a small smile on his lips. Yeonjun seemed to be relieved and formed a little heart with his fingers which he exitedly showed to Beomgyu before he disappeared around the corner, leaving the younger at his locker as giggling mess with fluttering heart.


School was over since almost fifteen minutes and Beomgyu stood outside the huge building, waiting for the older who was pretty late. 'Did he forget or did I understand him wrong?', he thought, getting more insecure with each passing second, leaving him still waiting there and checking his message multiple times in a row, maybe Yeonjun had wrote him which he hadn't. No messages and no Yeonjun to be seen anywhere.
Even the raven-haired's right foot never stood still, restlessly moving up and down on the paved surface. He slowly became really impatient.

Just then he heard steps coming from behind and soon after his vision turned black. Warm hands covered Beomgyu's eyes from behind and he flinched in surprise, a soft chuckle reached his ears. The younger turned around to face Yeonjun who had a slightly mischievous grin on the lips. His pink hair was bit messy, falling right onto his forehead and covering his dark eyes a little. His cheeks were a bit flushed and after tilting the head down a little Beomgyu saw the sports bag in the older's hand.

"I had PE and my teacher forgot the time. I'm sorry, you had to wait this long." The mischievous grin quickly got replaced by a way softer and lovelier smile. "Oh, it's fine, I didn't wait that long", Beomgyu replied and gestured with his hand in the direction of the street. "Shall we go?" Yeonjun nodded and excitedly grabbed the younger's wrist to gently pull him along. "Yeah, let's go! I'm hungry!"


"Try it. It's really good." Since almost ten minutes, since they were sitting at a table in the small ice cafe, Yeonjun tried to convince the younger to at least try mint chocolate ice cream. "Nooo", Beomgyu defended himself, pouting and gently pushing back the pink-haired male's hand. "You never even tried mint choco, how will you know you don't like it?" Yeonjun looked at the younger and Beomgyu shrugged unknowingly. "'Cause- Wait, no- we said no debates about mint choco. You like it, I don't and we'll accept the others opinion, okay?" Beomgyu looked at the older with a serious expression on his face and Yeonjun quickly answered with a nod. "Okay, no more debates in general about food. Everyone has a different taste and we should accept that", he added and this time it was Beomgyu who nodded while happily munching on the waffle of his ice cream.

"My parents aren't at home and I'm all alone by myself... maybe you'd like to accompany and join me? We could watch something on Netflix or we play some video games or we just chill in my room and talk, I don't know. I'm just sick and tired of being alone 24/7, you know." Beomgyu was the first to finish his ice cream and looked at the older, fumbling on one of the tissues that lay on the table. Yeonjun was about to finish his own ice cream and paused, visibly thinking about the raven-haired's request. "Actually my plan for today was to continue studying, but I did that the whole weekend and I think a break from nonstop studying is quite appropriate, so yeah, I'd like to." The pink-haired smiled at the younger with his usual charming, somehow soft smile and taking a tissues from the table to wipe off the ice cream on the corner of Beomgyu's rosy lips, making him become all flustered. "Cute", Yeonjun commented Beomgyu's adorable reaction and earned a even more adorable, absolutely not sulky stare which caused the older to cup the raven-haired's cheeks with his hands and squish them. "Ayy, stop being so fricking adorable, stop making my heart melt", he sighed and Beomgyu just felt his face heat up even more.

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