Ladybug and Chat Noir

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"I can't believe you broke up with Chat Noir! For Adrien !" Alya exclaimed for the millionth time as the four of them walked to the park together.

"Hey, I'm right here!" Adrien laughed, his hand holding tightly onto Marinette's.

"Dude, how did you make it out alive?" Nino who was holding Alya's hand turned to ask Adrien

"Told you I could take him!" Adrien flexed his arm and laughed at Nino who shook his head in disbelief.

"And on top of that, Marinette, you managed to still be friends with Chat Noir! All we gotta do now is convince Chat Noir to date Ladybug and boom! Triple date!" Alya and Nino fist bumped at the idea

"Although don't let Chat Noir see you being all cringey with Marinette, Adrien, he might feel the urge to use his cataclysm!" Nino laughed as he mimicked Chat Noir's iconic pose.

Marinette laughed along with them, after months of lying and secrets, it was nice to feel like she was being honest about something.

"Hey, we're actually gonna go study at Marinette's, you two go on to the park!" Adrien laughed as they reached the corner and pushed Marinette into her parent's bakery, leaving Alya and Nino waving outside.

"Good afternoon Mr. Dupain, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng!" He greeted as they walked past the counter

"Hi, honey!" Sabine waved at Marinette who was trying to sneak by.

"Study hard kids! And leave the door open!" Tom yelled as he handed Adrien a plate of croissants and pushed him along to follow Marinette.

"Dad!" Marinette groaned, embarrassed that he'd shout that in front of the whole bakery

"Climb, climb!" Adrien urged her, anxious to escape the laughter from the customers.

As they entered her room, Marinette closed the door behind them. They threw their bags on the floor and sighed in relief as soon as it was just the two of them.

"Nice! After school snacks!" Plagg zoomed out of Adrien's shirt and dove headfirst into the fluffiest croissant he saw

"Calm down, they're still hot!" Tikki flew out of Marinette's bag to pull Plagg out of the steaming croissant.

Marinette and Adrien laughed at the sight of both their Kwamis arguing with each other.

"As silly as they can be, both of them sure thought of this brilliant plan, huh?" Marinette turned to Adrien

"Yeah, getting you to 'break up' with Chat Noir to date me. And hiding our relationship as Chat Noir and Ladybug so Hawkmoth doesn't try to use either one of us to hurt the other.

"It was easier when they explained it" Marinette laughed and nodded her head towards Plagg and Tikki who were still arguing in between bites.

"Hey" Adrien focused his attention on Marinette, taking her hands into his and smiling as her eyes fluttered shyly, she turned away to hide her growing blush.

"Why are you shy? You're my girlfriend, get used to it." He laughed and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose, loving the way her skin easily turned red

"Oh please, if anyone's shy here it's you! You're still scared of my dad!" Marinette laughed, pushing him away as Adrien wrapped his arms around her

"Nuh-uh Bugaboo, even your ears are turning red!" He teased and then gasped

"Is it possible that... that maybe-"

"Don't say it!" Marinette laughed as he began to tickle her

"Oooh, you're in love with me! Just admit it!" He laughed as they both fell to the floor

They stopped squirming as they realized the position they had fallen.

Marinette had her back pressed against the floor, her arms were pinned back by Adrien who hovered above her, his hair hanging over her forehead, and their legs tangled in each other.

Adrien smirked and tilted his head slightly to the side as he leaned down slowly, leaving his lips only a few centimeters away from Marinette's.

"Say you love me." He breathed, his eyes scanned her big blue eyes, trying to see if she would give in under the gaze of his piercing green eyes

"I hate you" Marinette laughed, punching his shoulder playfully

"I love you too, Marinette." Adrien looked down at her and smiled before allowing his lips to press onto hers, he could feel her smiling through the kiss.

Ruining the moment, they both looked up shocked as they felt a huge thump go through the building. The thumping continued, almost like heavy steps walking through the city of Paris.

They both got up quickly and ran to the window, just in time to see a ginormous pigeon cooing its way through the city.

"Race you there?" Adrien turned to Marinette and grinned, she smiled back at him and nodded in return. They both took a step back and called out to their Kwami's who groaned in protest from the plate of croissants.

"Plagg claws out!"

"Tikki spots on!"

As soon as their transformation was over, they crawled up to the roof and got ready to take off after the pigeon.

"Hey, Chat?" Ladybug swung her yoyo out and turned to look at Chat Noir.

"Yeah, Princess?" Chat had his staff out ready but stopped to look at her

"I love you." She quickly kissed his lips before jumping off to the nearest rooftop

"Hey! Hey, that's cheating!" He laughed, ignoring how hot his face suddenly felt, and threw his staff out in her direction, chasing after her. The sound of their laughter echoed throughout Paris as the two lovers raced to finish saving the city so they could get back to cuddling under the moonlight.


T_T thank you all so much for reading until the end <3 new miraculous fanfic coming very soon, it deals with darker themes and will be longer for those of you who are interested!! Thank you again so so much <3

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