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Crystal came through for me the way she always did. It took her less than a day to get us set up with a child psychologist, though it helped that money was no object. The twins had an initial assessment appointment the next week in an Alexandria office with follow-ups as needed in the partnering Manhattan practice.

The other thing Crystal managed to do was get into my head. She often proved she knew me better than I knew myself, and for that reason, I felt uneasy. It wasn't my intention for Augustine to develop feelings for me. It wasn't my intention to gain feelings for any of the members of this family but the twins and Matthew had my heart long ago. I couldn't tell how much of my desire for him stemmed from my love for them, and how much, if anything, existed on its own.

I hadn't had the time to figure that out. And, I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

Tabitha spun and leaped with the song Sebastian practiced with his instructor in the adjoining room. I looked through the doorway and watched the intent look on his face fade to a smile the more the song went by.

As complicated as our relationship was, nothing could tear me from my need to protect them and provide for their emotional and mental stability. Though their father seemed to be onboard, finally, I had no idea how to breach the subject of repairing what set all of this into motion.

Sebastian couldn't possibly think I was his mother. Right?

He was confused, possibly lacking the words to describe what we meant to one another. I could apply that to Augustine as well.

The song ended and I clapped for Tabby emphatically. "You are both so talented," I gushed. "I'm so lucky to be able to watch you."

She came up to me and leaned her hands onto my knees. "When do our classes start?" she asked with sparkling eyes.

I leaned in closer. "I still have to ask your daddy if it's okay."

Her eyes widened. "My teachers said if I work real hard this summer, they'll move me up to level two!"

"I don't doubt that one bit. Look how quickly you improve."

"Please, Aubrey. Please tell Daddy to let us go."

I chuckled. "I will, I will." Peeking into the other room, Bastian's instructor packed his things away. "Ready to go?" I asked Tabby.

She nodded and I took her by the hand. I looked over to call Sebastian to me. As he ran toward me, Augustine appeared in view. He kneeled down and stopped Sebastian in his arms.

I watched as he took a knee in front of his son, placing himself just below his eye level. I realized I hadn't moved when Tabby pulled on my hand. "Go find your brother in the lounge," I told her. "I'll be there soon." She looked toward her twin with a frown but did as she was told. 

Augustine held Sebastian by his sides as he spoke. I stepped closer to the doorway and listened.

"Daddy gets very sad when he thinks about how Mommy is no longer with us." His voice was gentle and kind. "Sometimes when we're sad, it makes it seem as if we're mad at those around us. But I was never upset with you. I am sorry if I ever made you feel as if I were."

Sebastian nodded in understanding.

"Can you forgive me?" Augustine asked. Sebastian leaned forward and hugged his father around the neck. Augustine pulled him against his chest and returned it. He rubbed his hand against his son's back, his brow furrowing for just a second. "Thank you, my darling." He pulled Sebastian's head close and pressed a kiss to his cheek, letting him go right after. Sebastian ran to me like the carefree child he was, but I was frozen in emotion.

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