Luka: Part 14

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Kylo and Tiah ran through the wooded area just outside the rebel base slashing through the foliage with their lightsabers. Black and red burning like poles of fire through wood. Their escape was without difficulty. With Tiah fully healed her focus was not on the pain anymore but her strength in the force. 

"Why aren't they chasing us anymore?" Tiah asked Kylo as they slowed to a choppy jog. Kylo looked in all directions. His black hair whipping in the wild around him. A First Order fighter jet flew above them. It spun and then lowered to the ground in front of them. 

"Thats why." Kylo said pointing to the fighter. 

"For one jet?" Tiah asked. But before Kylo could answer her the jet's hanger opened and Hux walked out of it. He dragged with him a young boy not much older than 6 or 7 years old. He had olive skin and bright blue eyes. His hair short and curly. He looked up to Tiah and his eyes widened. 

"Senia! Senia!" The boy shouted. Tiah dropped to her knees. The breath leaving her lungs fast and painfully. Her face went pale as she stared at the boy shouting her birth name. The boy struggled in Hux's grasp. The boy looked into Hux's eyes and held his hand out in his direction. "You will let me go to my sister." The boy said in a monotone voice. Hux stopped moving all his muscles and his face went blank. 

"I will let you go to your sister." Hux said back just as monotone. He let go of the boy and the boy ran right toward Tiah. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. Tiah's arms laid limp at her sides. Tears stung her eyes as she tried to understand what was going on. 

"He's force sensitive. Three against one force sensitive Resistance member would not be ideal for the Resistance." Kylo said then gulped. The boy pulled away from Tiah and looked at her with a little smile on his face. 

"I knew you were alive! I just knew it!" The boy shouted and jumped up and down a bit. Tiah's tears began to fall from her eyes and she placed both of her hands on the sides of the boys face. 

"How?" She asked the boy. 

"Uncle Able kept me safe! But then THEY came." The boy said and pointed toward Hux. 

"Who is this boy?" Kylo asked Tiah. 

"Oh do tell him Miss Utan." Hux said with a snarl. Tiah ignored them both and kept her attention on the child in front of her. 

"Where is Uncle Able now?" Tiah asked the boy. 

"He's gone..." The boy said sadly. And Tiah knew that meant he was dead. The First Order killed Uncle Able and who knows who else. Tiah shut her eyes and held them tight. She took a breath in and it took all of her strength to not rip Hux's throat out with her bear hands. She stood and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. 

"YOU KILLED MY UNCLE!" Tiah screamed at Hux. Hux put his hands up and backed up a few paces. The boy tugged on Tiah's jacket a few times. 

"Don't be mad! Don't be mad! We are together now!" The boy said and Tiah looked down at him. 

"Who is this boy to you?" Kylo asked Tiah. He knew already. He knew the second he stepped off that fighter jet. But he needed her to say it. He needed her to be the one to want to share this part of herself. 

"My brother. My brother Luka." Tiah said then smiled down at her little brother. They had been apart too long. 

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