Chapter 1

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The funeral was the last time that William had seen his brother Alex. It keeps replaying is his head, as the one year mark of his brothers death approaches. He knew that there was nothing that he could do but wait. He walked slowly down the long hallway of his home toward his wife that he had been married to for three happily years.
"Sara baby, I don't know what I'm going to do. I haven't talked to Andrew in a while and the day is coming up. Everything is just creeping up on me. I can't even remember the last time that I talked to him."
"Honey you can't let this stuff get to you. Call your brother. Everything is going to be okay. You know that I will always be right beside you no matter what happens." Sara said as she wrapped her arms around her husband.
"Yeah, I know, but with everything that has happened what if he doesn't want to talk to me?"
"He will okay, but if he doesn't then hand the phone to me and let me talk to him." Sara said with a little chuckle.
William moved over toward the phone and stared at it for a while. Finally, he picked up the phone and dialed his brother's number with a look of happiness and worry on his face. On the first ring, someone picked up.
"Hello is this Andrew?"
"Yes who is calling?"
"This is William. Long time no talk"
"Yeah yeah yeah Will. How you've been doing. Shew I have been sitting by this phone for days waiting for you to call and finally here you are."
"I am good Drew. How are you?"
"I am doing great, really great. Rachel and I have some really big news to spread. Why don't we meet sometime? Like how about tomorrow for supper. When the kids get off of school and stuff."
"That sounds great Drew. Welp, I better get off of here before my wife starts killing me." He said as him and Drew were laughing.
"Well brother I will see you tomorrow. Be safe please. Love you bye."
"By" William hung up the phone, turned around and gave his wife the biggest kiss. When their lips parted they turned to see that their kids were standing there covering up the little one's eyes and sticking their tongue out in disgust. Sara walked over, picked up the little one, brought her over to the couch, sat down and said "Story time!"
Will walked over, sat down right beside his beloved woman and they smiled at each other. The middle child ran and jumped right in his lap. While the oldest sat politely like how she was taught to do on the floor looking at her mother. Wondering what the story was going to be about today.
"Alright now, lets see here. Once upon a time there was this lovely family. They were happy but didn't have much money. They had 3 wonderful children that were loving, sweet, kind and handsome."
"Anyways, One day that beautiful family parents had disappeared and left 3 boys to fend for themselves. They had to find their own food and pay their own bills. The older brother took care of the little ones because they were young like you two. Well, one day there was a drive-in movie. Where you sit in your cars and watch the movie. There were popular girls and a couple of popular boys. And things got real. There was this guy named Alex."Cherry stopped to look at William to make sure he was ok. He nodded and she counted. "Well he liked 2 popular girls and bought them something to drink but he was really mean. So one girl took the drink but the other refused to. When they looked behind them again there were other boys and the popular girls asked them to sit with them and protect them. When the movie was finally over the two girls and the guys that were protecting them and some of their friends walked out together to go get a car to drive the girls home. Well the girl's boyfriends were there and didn't like that so there was going to be a fight but the girls stopped it. After that, they stayed friends. And then one of the boys and one of the girls got married and had 3 beautiful children named Rosily Sara Davis, William John Davis, and Marcia Ann Davis."
"Wow mamma where did you all come up with our names." asked Rosily the oldest
"Rosily came from our heads and Sara came from me."
"William came from your grandpa and me; and John came from my best friend Johnny" Ponyboy countiuned.
"And finally my little ticker tale. Marcha came from my friend and Ann came from my middle name. I liked the sound of it. Alright welp It is time for bed we have got to get up early tomorrow and go to school" Sara said. As all of the kids moned and tried to sway their mother into letting them stay up just a little while longer. When she got the kids put into bed William came in there and gave them each a kiss and they both sang their favorite song.
"If I should stay
I would only be in your way
And so I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you each step of the way
And I will always love you
I will always love you
Bitter-sweet memories
That's all I'm taking with me
Good-bye, please don't cry
'Cause we both know that I'm not
What you need
I will always love you
I will always love you."
"Shew, I am pooped. I think I am going to go to bed too. You coming?"
"Yeah, be there in a minute. I need to make a phone call."
"Ok" William walked into their bedroom and shut the door. In the meantime Sara walked over to the phone. The phone felt heavy and cold as she picked it up and dialed a number. A couple of rings went by and then someone picked up.
"Hello, is this Miss or Mr Thomas? Marsha Thomas's parents ? This is Sara Davis. I was your daughter's best friend. I didn't mean to call so late but I just wanted to say that your daughter was the best friend that anyone could have." She said as she was starting to cry "I named my youngest daughter after her. She was such a wonderful person."
"Thank you sara and I know that she thought a lot of you."
"May I ask, What happened?" She asked as she was drying up her tears with the end of her sleeve.
"Marsha was out one night looking for a guy named William. She said she had something important to tell him. She left in a hurry. Later that night we got a phone call saying that Marsha was found dead in her car. She had a gunshot wound to the head and they have never found her killer." She said between sobs.
"Ma'am I work for the police and I will bring her killer to justice so they will serve time for what they did. I promise. She was an amazing person and deserves the best!"
"Oh, thank you so much, Sara. I always knew that you would do good things in this world. Alright darling well I need to get some sleep. Thank you again Sara."
"You're welcome." She put the phone down, looked in the mirror in front of her and tried to hide her tears.
Sara walked into her bedroom, closed the door and sat down beside her warm-blooded husband and asked "Did you go and see Marsha the day she died?"

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