Chapter 2

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"No, why are you asking me this now and not when she died. It has almost been 2 years Sara."
"Because I just got off the phone with her mother and said she was out looking for you! So I figured you might have seen her that day." Sara's face was wrinkled and curious about where this conversation was going to lead.
"No, she called me and asked me to meet her at the royal blue dinner. When I got there I waited until they closed and she never showed. So therefore I left."
"Did she say anything to you over the phone?" Sara asked.
"No baby, now lay down and close your eyes and relax. You can work on this in the morning, but for right now I just want to hold you close and never let go."
She layed down, closed her eyes, snuggled with her husband and fell asleep imititly. That next morning she woke up. Same time as usual, but something felt off to her. She made eggs, set the table and put the eggs on a plate. Walked up the stairs and woke up the children and her lazy husband. Gave them a kiss and left out the door earlier than usual to get to the office to work on Marshia's case. Sara walked to the car, unlocked it, opened the driver door and BOOM. Sara was out cold. Meanwhile William ran outside in his blue cotton boxers with little cars on them and his blood red robe that had his initials engraved on it. He ran over and saw his wife lying there in the middle of a pile of blood. As William cried and cried he realized that he had to do something.
" Come on Sara wake up!!! Wake up!" He screamed
"Mr. Davis What can I do to help??" asked the next door neighbor Mr.Mackwell. 
"Get out of my way. Get the kids out of here and bring me my phone!!" Answered William with rage in his tone
"Here you go ser." Mr. Mackwell handed him his phone and ran to his house with the children
"Mamma what's wrong with momma?Daddy what's going on?" The youngest one asked, starting to cry.
William unlocked his phone and called 911 and told them the situation. Fire trucks were already on their way and he could hear the sirens coming toward their house. When William got off the phone with the police the firemen were already there putting out the flames that were spreading extremely quickly. He moved out of the way crying and trembling, wishing that there was something that he could do. He thought for the longest time before he came up with his final answer. GET THE GANG BACK TOGETHER!!!! William looked around the chaotic mess, found his phone and called Andrew, Billy, Stevie and that was all there to call everyone else had passed and he wasn't about to let another person die.
"Meet me at the royal blue dinner tomorrow and be alone!" he said to each of them emphasizing the word ALONE!
"Ser we would like to ask you some questions if that is okay." Said the one of the police officers
"What do you need to know, I will tell you anything and everything." William responded
"Has she seemed off lately?"
"Yeah she did last night she kept asking me questions about an old friend of ours and asked if I had seen her the day she passed." William answered honestly.
"Was she seeing anyone else?" The police officer asked like it was a common thing.
"Sara, no not that I am aware of. She loved me and her family. I know that for a fact. She would never do anything like that to me; to our family"
"Alright well If you want you can ride with us to the hospital is there anybody that you would like to pick up on the way?"
"Yes my brother, he lives on Maryville highway 8167." Will yelled as he was already walking toward the car.
The two police men and William crawled into their car and drove to get Sodapop. When they arrived there was no time for chit chat. William kept hurring everyone along. When they finally arrived to the hospital Sara was already in surgery. 3 hours later Sara finally was out of surgery and was put in her room.
"Yeah Drew"
"She is going to be alright. I know that a lot of people have passed away in the past few years but if I know anything it is that this girl right here is as tough as metal. There are things that can break it but not very many." Andrew told William trying to cheer him up.
"Yeah Drew you're right but what if this is one of the things that can break her. What will I do then? I can't raise 3 children all on my own. I already struggle taking care of them now much less if something does happen to her.. Sara is my wife and I can't imagine a life without her. " William explained, whispering to his brother.
"Mr. Davis, your wife will be fine. She is a very tough and lucky woman. She has a slight break to her 4th and 5th ribs that should take about 2 months to heal and a dislocated shoulder but that we sort of fixed she can't lift anything above her head for a while and also does not need to bend down for a while." the nurse explained to them with a big smile on her face.
"Shew, thank you so much doctor. That is such a relief to hear." William looked at her name tag and finished his sentence. "Jance. Thank you doctor Jance. When can we see her?"
"Go right through those double doors and take the elevator up to the 3rd floor. Take a left and she is the 3 door toward the end on the right. Door number 457." She stopped looking at her chart and said "You are one lucky man. If I were you I would bring her some chocolate and some sugar. Her sugar is kinda low." Dr.Janice told Will as she walked off to go see another patients family.
"Thank you" And he rushed off dragging his brother behind him while running toward the elevator.
"Wait Will, wait, STOP!!! U need to know something. She isn't going to look the same as she did before. She is going to look different not in a bad way but she is going to have bruises and cuts all over her. She might well prolly have scars on her from the accident. But whatever you do you can not say anything about her looks unless she brings it up." said Andrew with a serious look on his face like he knows his brother is going to say something.
William nodded and pressed the big round button with the up arrow pointing upwards toward the ceiling. They backed up and stood to the right of the elevator and waited patiently. DING. There was the sound of the elevator. William started waving his hand along and saying "Can you people take any longer??" The people looked at him and rolled their eyes. Will ran into the elevator and almost hit his head on the wall. Drew walked over very calmly and pressed the button with the number 3 on it for the 3rd floor. 
"Will, listen to me, you need to calm down, you need to understand that she is fine and that you will get there. I promise."
"I know that Drew but you don't know what it feels like to lose people that you love and then you lose more people that you love even more. If I lost her I don't know what I would have done. I don't know Drew. I feel like I just failed. Failed at protecting the people that I love, failed at the kids, failed towards you! I wish there was something that I wouldn't fail." stated Will with a sigh and a hint of sadness in his face and tone.
"Will, you didn't fail anyone and certainly not me or your family. You could never fail me there is no possible way for you to fail me. And your children, how could you fail them? You created them, you made them. You are there father! You are amazing at everything that I know that you can do! I believe in you, who you are, and what you do. I love you as my friend, as my brother and as my family!"
DING. Drew wasn't the one behind this time. This time it was Will. As they were sped walking toward room 457 were Sara laid waiting for her husband; Drew caught a glimpse of another person in another room. He stopped right then and there like when a car is about to run a red light. Drew covered his mouth with his hands and stood in shock. 
"What is wrong Drew? Are you ok? What's in that room?" asked William with a confusing face. Stoping to make sure his brother was okay.
Drew pointed to the door and said "Come look for yourself!" William walked slowly over toward the door and peeked through the window. "Oh My God. The body! Is it really hers? It can't be. She is in a coffin 6 feet under the ground. It has to be someone else." William exclaimed trying to understand what is going on and if that really is who he thinks it is.
"Miss Miss. Who is in this room?" Drew asked a nurse as she walked by.
"We are not authorized to say" the nurse said and stated to walk away when William started talking to her.
"Please we might know who is in there, please miss." William begged her.
"We know that you might know these people. We have people say that all the time and we send them to talk to our administrator then she will handle it. So if you would like to talk to her please schedule an appointment." the nurse explained as she walked off faster than last time, hoping she could walk away this time,
"Holy crap, my wife!" William said as he ran down the hallway to her room. He grabbed the handle and opened the door with all the strength that he had. He ran over to her. And kissed her on her forehead. She was better than what he had hoped and worse than he thought. She had a black lip with stitches on it. Although you couldn't really see the stitches because her lip was so swollen.  She had a scratches all over her body, bandages wrapped around her head and stomach. Her arm and leg were in a cast and she could barely move.
"Oh Sweetheart I am so sorry that I took so long, but we need to talk. In private later."
Sara nodded her head slowly. "Where, where are the kids." Sara asked hastily, "Are they ok?"
"Yes darling everything is fine don't worry about anything I have it all under control." William explained to her as he took her hand and held it tightly.
"Nurse can we have some privacy please" The nurse nodded and left the room but left the door open to let Drew in.
"Darling, Did you open Marcha's case again?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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