First duel

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  You and the gang were out of the forest and saw the sun at the horizon.

Y/n: It's breath taking as always.

Joey: okay Bring them on im itching to duel and im taking on the next player we see.

you saw joey running and you sighed.

Tea: You know i'm not so sure joey's up to this.

Tristan: Yeah there are tournament level players here but don't you think he's smart enough to realize?

Y/n: This is Joseph were talking about tristan, do you honestly think he'll put that to mind?

The gang giggle as you saw joey on the cliff side.

Y/n: Careful joseph you might fall!

Joey: Relax bro i'm fine. Here i stand the next duel monsters champion!

You and the others sweatdropped at joeys claim.

Y/n: He needs a reality check after we pay for sers operation.

Tea: You said it.

Tristan: Guess he's smart as he looks.

Joey: I better be the champion.

You can here joey but the others didn't notice and you looked at joey with sadness.

Y/n: Hang in there ser we'll get the prize money for you even if i have to fight joseph in the finals.

you and joey stare at the horizon knowing one of you needs to be the champion even if you both need to fight each other until you hear some cheering.

Téa: look there.

You and the others looked at where téa was pointing and it was people dueling on the duel stadiums.

Tristan: Duel Monsters stadiums, look at them their all over!

Yugi: You said it lots of dueling going on.

Y/n: I wonder how much one duel stadium cost?

Joey: right I'm going in.

Tristan: You sure you want to do this if you loose you give up your only star chip.

Téa: That's right.

Joey fell to the ground when he remembered he only has one star chip.

Y/n: Don't panic you can do this Joseph, you do know that don't you?

Joey: I hope your right bro this will be my first official duel and I can't afford to get knocked out at the start.

Yugi: True but not everyone here is a pro I'm sure you can find someone on your level.

Téa: Go for someone easy joey.

Joey: uh I guess I should think what kind of field my cards are best suited for their mostly monsters and fighter types. Uh guess that makes this meadow region my kind of turf.

Yugi: That's right Joey see you know what your doing.

Y/n: Now let's find your first opponent bro.

Familiar voice: You lost Cry baby now give me your star chips!

You and the others look over where the noise came form and saw Mai had beat a kid.

Y/n: Giant bitch.

Joey: Bro you okay?

Y/n: ...No not at all.

You can hear that the kid asked why she new what her cards were when they were face down but you sneezed loosing your train of thought.

Y/n: Did someone use a whole bottle of perfume cause i'm allergic.

Tea: Nope i only used a little bit.

Yugi: And I only use one or two sprays of perfume.

Y/n: Man *Sneeze* I hate the fact that Joseph doesn't have the same allergies as me.

Joey: Don't sweat it bro you'll feel better in no time.

Y/n: I hope so *Takes a tissue from Yugi* Thanks Yug.

Yugi: No problem.

Mai came over but you were busy with your allergies as you were sneezing up a storm.

Mai: What's wrong with him?

Joey: Don't worry it's his allergies he can't help it.

Y/n: *Loud Sneeze* Sorry but what was it again? my allergies are making it hard to hear.

Mai: I said that i was going to challenge Joey.

Y/n: okay *whisper to tea* Did she try to duel yugi?

Tea: Yeah but i think i scared her off when i told yugi to challenge her and kick her off the island.

Y/n: Your the best tea.

Tea: All in a days work to keep your crush in check.

Y/n: *Whisper scream* Tea?!

Tea: Relax i know you two will date after duelist kingdom.

Y/n: Again, Tea?!

Joey: Hey bro what are you and Tea talking about?

Tea: He asked is where do you think the perfume scent is coming from.

Joey: Yeah can't have my duel when my bro is Sneezing like a tank.

Y/n: *sneeze* Fuck *Sneeze* Fuck * Sneeze* Fuck again.

Tristan: Geez You Really weren't kidding huh?

Y/n: No *sneeze* Just go to your duel bro while i try to find the source of why my allergies are off the frits.

Joey: Okay sure no problem.

Y/n: You can do it! *Big Sneeze*

Joey: Don't blow your brains out before i win.

Yugi: Don't worry Y/n we'll find the source of your allergies.

Y/n: Thanks Yug *take another tissue* Sorry for using your stuff.

Yugi: It's alright, just try and get better.

Y/n: For you and Joseph I'll try.

You can see the others and mai go to the duel arena and your allergies are calming down.

Y/n: Geez what does that woman use, A whole bottle Of Perfume?!

(Timeskip brought to you by a chibi you getting better and watching the duel from afar.)

Y/n: Way To Go Joseph!

Joey: Thanks A lot bro.

Yugi: How are you feeling?

Y/n: Better i think it was Mai and her perfume, seriously who uses a whole bottle a day?

Joey: Bro it was her cards, She covered them with different types of perfume.

Y/n: No wonder why was i sneezing up a storm.

Tristan: Man and for a moment there i thought she was really a Psychic.

Téa: Yeah we all were fooled but luckily joey found out but I think it was y/n who found out before  the duel even began.

Y/n: Yeah buts a pain to have allergies to something that women use.

Joey: Don't sweat it bro you'll be fine.

Y/n: Okay guys so where to? Knowing Joseph he'll be overly excited since he won two star chips from Mai.

Yugi: I don't know but how about we explore a bit.

Y/n: Sure thing.

You and the gang left the area and wondered around.

Fem Yugi and Atem x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now