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"That's hilarious." Steve said. Leave the sass to me Steve!

"Hey, how you doing?" A man I didn't know said to Nat. He had dark eyes, dark skin and an award winning smile.

"Hey." Nat said while giving him a cute smile.

"She's doing fine, but she would be 10 times better if you would give her your number..." I said revealing myself from the back seat.

"Rory, don't." Steve said.

"Ok, mom." The man gave a chuckle in response. "I like you, you seem to have my sense of humor. what's your name?"

"Sam, Sam Wilson." He said as he stook his hand trough the window. I took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Rory S-" Stark I wanted to say, but I stopped myself. Was I a Stark now? I didn't really feel like one, Not that I know what that would feel like...

"Ssso! Steve, ready to go?" I said continuing the s from the previous sentence. Smooth, Rory, Smooth."

He nodded, while getting into the car. He looked back at Sam.

"Can't run everywhere ." He said as we were starting to drive off.

"No you can't." Is the last thing I hear from Sam.

After driving for a little I decide to break the awkward silence.

"Sooo, you guys are going on a mission?"

"How do you know that?" Steve asked.

"Dad might have mentioned something..."

"..." Steve looked at me for a few seconds.

"You hacked into Shield? Again?"

"What, I get bored okay!"

"So you'll go ahead and hack into the most secure organization of all time?"

"Most secure, my ass. Five year old me could have done better."

"Rory! One day at school and she's already using bad words. Great." Steve said.

I looked at Nat via the mirror, she looked like she was almost dying of laughter. Well, before Steve gave her an elbow.

"Anyway, speaking about school, I wanna hear all about your first day when I get home from the mission, ok Rory?" He said as the car slowed down.

"Sure thing Steve." The car stopped

"Thanks for the lift, Aunt Nat!"

"Bye, Baby Stark."

As I walk inside, I notice some Shield agents staring at me. Ok, weird. This is not exactly helping my social anxiety! Two agents were starting to follow me to the elevator.

Ok, now it's just plain creepy. I stopped with walking and waited for them to walk ahead of me... They didn't.

Bro?! Can you like, stop?

I turn around to go to the stairs instead. They blocked me.

"Can I help you?" I asked them.

"Yes, would you mind following us, Ms Stark?" They responded. I was about to call them stalkers, because they knew my last name, but then I remember that I had yelled that Tony Stark my father was like.. Two weeks ago.

"Follow you where? On Instagram?" I said playing dumb.

"No come with us, it's about your father." Is he hurt? I didn't want to go with them, but something told me they weren't going to take no for an answer. What is it with some men not knowing what no means?

I hear my phone ping with a new message. That's Dad, I know it is, he's fine.

"I guess I can follow you." I said, they signed me to come with them.

They led me outside. And as soon as they make a left turn, I run like hell.

The Glitch *Tony stark's daughter* DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now