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Light's POV: I was so confused so then I said hi to them. Charli and Levi then asked me if I can go to the ice cream shop with them at the same time they started arguing while I thought they got possessed by some sort of demon after a while I remembered that it was Saturday. I didn't notice my hair was messy when I noticed Charli and Levi were already staring at me I was so embarrassed that I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. I brushed my hair and stuff then I heard Levi and Charli calling me a few times like they were concerned. O answered back: "yeah?" And that was what happened.

//Time// 3:00pm

Levi's POV: I was kinda tired so I went up to light's room and fell asleep on hes bed he's blanket was so soft aswell as he's pillow the reason I was there it's cause I mixed our rooms up don't ask how or why.

Light's POV: I went to my bed because I wanted to play Roblox in my bed obviously, I then saw a tint of black on my bed like it was somebody sleeping there at first I thought it was a demon, I slowly walked to the black "creature" and that's when I noticed it was Levi, I was confused I felt that my face was heating up so I went to lay on my bed I just then had the urge to lay Levi's head on my chest, after I did that I took out my phone and opened the app Roblox I didn't know what to play so I just exit Roblox I forgot what I wanted to play, I then opened a nice song and fell asleep.

//Time// 9:46 pm

Levi's POV: I wake up feeling a warm hug on my chest and stuff (if u red my alts story u will find this familiar)(Alt is AyoWtf) I smelt lights lavender scent don't ask why I know or how I look down to my chest and I saw light's lavender hair I blushed softly and took my phone that I left on light's small table right next to the bed.

Light's room:

Light's POV: I wake up and said: "hi Levi

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Light's POV: I wake up and said: "hi Levi.." he said hi back then I remembered what had happen I start to blush heavily "O-oh hEy...... Levi..... I- Uh well ummm this is uh- i- I can explain..-?" He covered my mouth and said it was he's fault he didn't notice it was my room well I think he was wrong about thinking it like that I can't blame him for it. "Hey Levi... Don't think like that it's fine I gave him a soft smile I got up to go to the bathroom he asked me where I was going well I obviously said that I was going to the bathroom and he let go saying alright, after I went to the bathroom I got out of the bathroom I didn't see Levi anywhere! I was worried while hungry I then went to the kitchen and there he was cooking some noodles and he asked if I wanted some I was blushing softly and I said sure.

Ok I'm getting lazy at this but don't worry I'll post once in a while so yeah at least it was longer :D

//Words: 567//

The sleepover (Levight/Levi x Light Inq) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now