04: A Worry In The Autumnal Rain

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Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.

~Albert Camus


The sound of giggles and pedaling of the bicycle resonated between the two lovers as the soft chime of the bell conjoined on the handle accompanied them. Autumn winds ushered to their faces as the scarlet leaves fell in a swift motion, some also sticking altogether in a cobalt blue and chestnut brown hairs, decorating it like it is the finest piece in an art auction.

"We're near the entrance of the forest Khun-san. Tighten your hold in my clothes, we're going full speed ahead!"

"Ahoy! Captain Bam!" They both giggled again as Khun rested his head on the brunette's back as he made sure that the camera that is hanging in his chest is safe.

Soon enough, the speed of the bicycle finally slowed down as Khun hopped off from his seat behind Bam. He immediately raised the camera and took a photo of Bam still on the bike.

The brunette soon got off and checked if there is a defect in their transportation, as he also let his lover continue to take a picture of him.

Bam swore that he can see Khun squealing in delight at the camera as the bluenette reviewed the photos of him before printing out the most beautiful capture he took before putting it in his pocket again.

"Let's go Bam!" Khun offered his hand for the brunette to hold and Bam reciprocated the act, holding the frail hand in his.

Before Khun could pull Bam away, the brunette stood firmly on his ground, staring at his lover with a dazed look before involuntarily removing the stray leaves in his short locks and smiled.

They mostly wandered around the forest, but soon discovered a clear river in the middle of the woods. The both of them are ecstatic and celebrated with them putting their feet into the cold fresh water.

"It's a bit shady here, isn't it?" Khun asked his lover beside him who was wagging his feet in the water.

"Mn. It feels like it's already night time, Khun-san."

They both marveled in awe as fireflies flew around them, creating a light for them to see. Bam then raised the camera is now hanging unto him and took a picture of Khun with the nocturnal beetles around him. Some were even in his hair and tip of his nose, much to the brunette's delight. He decided that he should just print it out later since it might be in danger considering that they are now playing in the water.

Bam looked at Khun worriedly when he suddenly went silent and looked like he's drifting into space. The brunette could also see his pale face so he decided to tug Khun's hands, breaking him of his trance.


"Are you tired Khun-san? We can rest for a while if you want."

"Huh? Oh...yeah sure...it's just...i suddenly feel light and...how do I say this...uhmm..."

"Theres no need to strain yourself to tell me Khun-san. You can tell me when you are ready."

Bam slightly crouched down and put his arms in Khun's shoulders and behind his knees, carrying the bluenette who is no heavier than a haystack, to the abandoned bridge near the river.

The brunette settled his lover to sit on the bridge, the water still reaching their feet. Bam sat down beside him, holding Khun's cold hands to warm it with his.




"I'm here Khun-san."

"Call me by my name."


"I want you to call me by name starting today."

"...Okay then...Aguero."

Khun felt his scalp tingle at the sound of his name rolling out of his lover's tongue. He just hummed in satisfaction before laying his head in Bam's shoulder, inhaling the sweet, musky, and a little tinge of scent of eclair coming from him.

Bam let him lay comfortably as he also laid his head in his. It was a comfortable silence for a moment, until the brunette could hear the ragged breathing that soon turn into a huffing one. He placed his hand in the latter's forehead, he expected it to be hot, but it turned out to be cold.

Bam's breath hitched. It felt like the one beside him wasn't his Aguero, but a cold corpse that had just died. Bam paled at his thoughts before shaking it away when he could still hear the rapid heartbeats on Khun's chest.

The situation is already worrisome, then rain started to pour making it worse. Bam removed his coat and draped it to the bluenette to make a blanket and carried him like he did earlier. Now he looks like he's carrying a large sized burrito. Khun would've laughed at his thought but apparently, he's unconscious like a lifeless doll.

He scrambled his pockets in search for his phone and immediately contacted Dr. Gustang. All he know was he is trembling in fear, he doesn't even know how he told the situation about Khun.

He even forgot the camera that was beside him.

He just know that on his way outside of the forest, it became brighter every time he ran, but the rain didn't stop.

'Khun needed sunlight', Bam thought amidst all the problems weighing in his shoulders.

Bam found himself bumping someone on the way. A man in his mid thirties looked at him in wary as he removed the lollipop in his mouth.

"Please! Help me, mister!"

"Please! Help me, mister!"

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