Part 5

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« Really ?! But what about Jungkook ?! » she asks me « I have to forget about him I can't focus on someone who don't love me back all my life. And I like Tae so why not ?! » I explain « if it's what makes you happy I will support you. » « Thank you baby ! It's late and we have class tomorrow let's go sleep ! Good night ! » I tell her « yeah good night baby »

Next morning

I woke up and quickly prepared myself and I remember that I should text Tae to met him and make everything clear between us. ' hey Tae! How are you ? Can we meet today around 6pm?' And not even 2min later he replies ' hey Y/n ! I'm good, yes of course I will pick you up from college!' I went downstairs and Jungkook was waiting on his car « Hey Y/n ! How are you ? » he asks « I'm fine thanks and you ? » I ask back « I'm good, come on in » he says opening the door of his car « thank you ».

 I remembered that Taehyung will pick up after class so I wanted to tell him not to wait for me « hey umm... don't wait me after class. Taehyung said he will pick me up. » I tell him « ooh really...uhm okay.. » he says in a weird tone.

We finally arrived and I wave to him goodbye and went to Jennie. She was waiting for me in the front door. We went to class like usually and our day went like other. At lunch Jimin joined us « Hey Jimin ! The boy who enters my heartless heart best friend » I say mocking Jennie « hahaha yeah I did it ! » he says putting his fist up in sign of victory. We giggle and start eating few minutes later Jungkook came to us « hey can I join you guys? » he asks and we all nod a yes to him. Jennie was sitting next to Jimin in front of me so Jungkook sat next to me. « So... you two are dating ?? » Jungkook asks « yeaaah bro after the party I made her mine!! » Jimin answers exciting « calm down boy you don't own me.. » she says, I laugh « that's my girl! » I say making a high five with her. « We will see about that... » Jimin says smirking and she playfully hit him. « And you? You are dating Taehyung ? » Jungkook asks me. I look at Jennie and back to him « No, we are going to meet today to talk about it » I explain « ooh I see.. he is a good guy, right? » he says hesitantly « he is your friend but about what I saw he really is. Maybe something will happen between us, I don't know yet » I say smiling to him « ...hmmm I wish the best for you » he simply replies « thanks »

Skipped time

It was finally 6pm and Taehyung came to pick me up « hey! Come on! ».

We went to grab a coffee and talk walking in the park. « So are you feeling better since yesterday ? » he asks concerns « umm.. yes, i guess I'm feeling better. Thanks for caring. » I answer « it's normal. So what did you want to talk about? » he asks « oh yes! So about what you told me yesterday. So I thought about it and I think that I should give you a chance. You are so kind and sweet and I think that maybe we will be happy together. » I say « really??!! Are you sure ? You can take more time to think about it, don't worry ! » he told me worried « no don't worry, I took the time I needed and I made my decision. » I explain. He stops and hugs me tightly. « Thank you so much, I Will take care of you and protect you and love you at all cost » he say without taking his breath « I trust you but don't break it because it's the most important thing I will give you. » I say seriously. « I won't! Trust me ! » I smile and hug him back.

He took me back home and we were about to say goodbye « I'm already going to miss you ! » he says putting his arm around my waist « me too » I say giggling « I can't let you go without doing something for you » he says, I furrow my eyebrows « what? » he cups my cheeks and leans on slowly. His lips starts to brush mine and he kiss me. I kiss him back. After a few we break the kiss. « That's my good night! See you tomorrow ! I will take you to college » he says « oh really ?! Okay, I will tell Jungkook to not wait for me then. » I reply and he nods « see you then! »

After taking a shower I went in my bed and took my phone and I saw a new conversation : *Y/n's SQUAD*. What the hell is this name. I open it and start reading.

heyyyyy! It's Jimin! I created this gc for us to talk about your date.Hey baby, I told him not to but he said that now he is also your bestie and we will spill the tea here now... and Chim what is that name group??It's for y/n and we are the squad! It makes sense and you know it !Yeah whatever

I was laughing alone in my room like a dumbass because of them.

let's meet tomorrow at the lunch and I will tell you everything! Yay I can't wait !Okay baby good night see yaLob u

And then I remember I have to text Jungkook about tomorrow morning:

hey Jungkook! Hope I don't bother you. Just to let you know you don't need to wait for me in the morning, Tae will pick me up.Hey! You never bother me. Ooh.. okay then but let me know if you need me to pick you. I will thank you again!Don't mention it. So you two are dating ? That's official ?Umm.. yes it is!I'm happy for you if you are then 🥰Thank you! I hope you will find someone tooMmh I hope too 

I put my phone down and slept.

 Jungkook's POV

It's been 3 weeks now that Y/n and Taehyung are dating and I don't see her a lot since then. I meet her sometimes at college but that's all. I feel kind of weird since they are dating but I don't know why. I mean she is like my sister why would I act like that.

It was the end of the first semester and people always made a party at this moment of the year since it's almost the new year. I didn't want to go but my sister wanted to go and didn't want to let her go alone. At the party I saw Jimin, Jennie and Taehyung but I didn't saw Y/n. « Hey guys! Where is Y/n? » I ask since they are always together. « Ooh she wanted to come but she is sick so she told us to go without her. Her mom is taking care of her. » Jennie explains me « ooh okay, hope she will be soon fine. ».

The night goes but I didn't party like other I just sat there and wait for Maria. It was almost 2am and I was tired so I went to look for her when I saw Taehyung all drunk going in a room with a random girl. They were kissing each other and they closed the door. I saw Jennie not far from me « hey Jennie ! Tell me, are Taehyung and Y/n still dating? » I ask her « of course ! Why? » I run to the room at her answer but when I enter the room it was too late and Taehyung made the biggest mistake he could do.

 « HOW DARE YOU TO DO THAT! » I yell at him. He quickly sat up on the bed and looks at me worried by the sudden screams « what the hell?! » he asks « WTH ?! IM THE ONE WHO ASK! YOU ARE CHEATING ON HER! HOW DARE YOU! » I scream again at him. The girl took her clothes and went out the room. « Don't tell her please! I will fix it! » he begs me « I won't tell her » I reply « ooh thank you ! » he suttered « don't thank me because you are the one who is going to tell her but if you don't then I will do it because she don't deserves to be betrayed like that! » I ordered him « w-what ..? » he panicked « and to be sure you do it I will stay behind you when it happens! You will tell her when she recovers »

Time skipped

She was finally healthy so I told Taehyung to meet her right away. They were sitting on a bench in the park and I was next to my car not far from them. Taehyung was looking at me worried but I send him a death glare. It was heartbreaking for me but I have to. I saw Y/n's eyes becoming teary and she suddenly stands up « I TOLD YOU THAT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT I GIVE YOU IS MY TRUST AND YOU BROKE IT IN NOT EVEN A MONTH! » and she leaves him. She was walking back home and I was on her way. « Oh Jungkook... » she says wiping her tears away « don't hide them, let them out » I tell her because I knew she was in pain « I-I... » and she break down, and came in my arms and I comfort her. I saw Taehyung leaving his head low. « I'm here, it's going to be okay! ». Feeling her crying on my chest made my heart beats so fast that it was burning from the inside almost hurting me. It wasn't a painful feeling, it was more like a warming feeling making me feel good because she was so close to me. But if she is like my sister why do I feel like that? When I'm with my sister I don't feel like that. Do I feel more than that ? .... Do I love her?

End of the POV 

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