Twenty two

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"Are you ready, Jisung?" Jaemin asked Jisung who's standing beside him with his bag on his back. The two of them will go to an ocean park for this day. Jaemin messaged Renjun if he can take their son with him. That was their first conversation after five years.

Renjun was shocked to receive a message from Jaemin. It was from an unknown number at first, but when he stared at the digits, he thought it's familiar. Then he realized that it was also the old number of Jaemin that he knew by heart. Jaemin didn't change his number.

They haven't talked about themselves. It's all about their son, Jisung. After Jaemin asked for Renjun's permission to take their son outside because he wants to spend time with the kid, the older just sent a few notes that he needs to remember. Like some precautions and some important details about their son.

Renjun also sent a few sets of pictures of Jisung ever since he came out of this world. He was so tempted to ask Jaemin if he could come, but the latter indicated that he's not yet ready to talk. Just not yet ready, but when he is, he'll approach the older person immediately.

Jaemin also asked if Renjun had mentioned to Jisung that he is the kid's father. The older said that he doesn't yet because he's waiting for Jaemin. So the younger asked if he could be the one to introduce himself to their son as his father.

For today, Jaemin would not do that yet. He wanted to enjoy this day as how they were introduced at first. Jaemin being Jisung's favorite hyung. Jisung as Jaemin's favorite kid that he met. He followed his brother's advice to him when they talked during Sungchan's month old celebration. Jaehyun told him to take things slowly. Then, the rest would just follow accordingly. This is what Jaemin tries to do by now, to continue what he and Jisung have started. He couldn't just say to Jisung that he is his father. He's trying to figure out when will be the perfect time for it.

Jaemin plans to bring Jisung to a playhouse in a mall. It's a place where kids would definitely enjoy. The playhouse was big, almost occupying the whole third floor of the mall where it is located. It's a good spot for kids, especially the same age as Jisung.

It has a variety of things they can explore. Kids can have fun trying things out. They can act like their dream they want to achieve in the future. There are specific stalls they could go to for a certain occupation. For example there's a designated place for a cafe shop like a stall. They could try to be a barista if they want to. There's so many of these that sure every kid who'll visit it would have their time well spent there.

If they are done roaming the stalls, they could play in the play area. There are also a variety of activities that kids could try. Even parents would enjoy watching their kids, they could even join them if they want to.

Jaemin discovered this place when he looked up to the internet for places they could visit. He picked this because Jisung and him could bond in this place. He also wants to know more about his son, and through this place, he could observe what his son likes and dislikes. It's a double reason for Jaemin, he could spend time with Jisung and at the same time he could know his son more.

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