Thousand years ago, a horde of demons and monsters appeared in the human world, an army of shadows. These creatures call themselves Menschen des Schattens, led by an Archon named Astaroth, Archon of the Shadows. Craving human flesh, they begin to massacre and deliver destruction on humans. Many Lives were taken. Many archons joined and declared war to stop them. An Archon named Aither the Archon of Light created the Radiants and gave rise to the Seraphim, Cherubim, and the Seven original Archangels. On the other hand, Schwarz, Astaroth's right-hand man responded to Aither by bringing the Seven Deadly Sins into existence. Named after the sins of mankind they were; Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth. The war was endless. The people of present times called it "The Great Cataclysm".
The Schattens are gaining the upper hand in the war and the Radiants are losing thousands of lives. Schwarz, the second in command, grew progressively arrogant and selfish, and he rebelled against his master, believing that he no longer needed his master to win the war. Schwarz commanded the Seven Sins to end their master's life so that he will reign as the new Sovereign of the Schattens.
During a battle, Astaroth led his legion for a battle.
Pride the fastest of the Seven Sins, sprints and easily slips through the legion of the Archon. Astaroth was caught off guard. With his sharp claws, Pride pierced his heart and ripped it away from his body. Astaroth's legion instantly turns its back away from the battle to protect its master. Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, and Sloth, on the other hand, charge and slaughters his legion without breaking a sweat, crushing their heads, and ripping their body apart, piece by piece. There was blood everywhere.
Without their source of power, the legion grew weaker until they crumbled into dust. As the conflict begins to rest, Wrath appears out of nowhere in front of the weakened Archon.
Wrath draws his sword right into the neck of the Archon and quickly slashes him. But Astaroth evades it and grabs Pride with him. Astaroth snaps and cuts Pride's arm and hurls it towards Wrath violently, obstructing his sight. Wrath deflects it away, but only until he returns his attention to the Archon. Astaroth was furiously standing with intense ominous presence of mana that defines him as an Archon, he stands with his spear ready to behead Wrath. Astaroth swings his spear full force to Wrath. Wrath blocks it with his greatsword, but it's not enough. The blade was shattered into bits. The Archon grabs Wrath in his neck and throws him to the other Seven Deadly Sins.
He glares at them with his godly purple eyes "Such inferior creatures," the literal heartless Archon mocks the Seven Deadly Sins as he collapses into the ground. Although he was reaching the end of his life, he left a message for the Seven Deadly Sins and Schwarz that they will never forget.
"You betrayed the god who bestowed authority on you. What is given will be taken."
The dying Archon's heart released a massive surge of energy, and as a result, the Seven Sins are driven away by strong power.
Present time...
"Cloud wake up, you'll be late for school!"
Laying in his bed, he looks at the time and he's near late for his first class. "Huh?... oh, no--" Cloud immediately got up to take a shower. After He gets dressed and prepared for school. He was about to leave but his mother said to him "Bye Cloud, make sure that the sun is still up when you go home."
Solitude in the Dark
FantasyA war between the Radiants and Menschen de Schattens lasted thousands of years. As the war intensifies, the lord of the Schattens was betrayed and killed by his own creation. Before he loses breath he left a warning to those who betrayed him. In pr...