I Care For You

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-Soarin's PoV-

Tornado looked at me with a look saying 'I will tell you later.'
I nod my head in approval and slowly help Rainbow Dash to stand up. I put her on my back and flew her up to her cloud home.

When we went inside I took her to her room and gently laid her down. I slowly walk out of the room when a voice made me turn around. "S-Soarin can you stay the night?" She asked. I hesitated and turned around and nodded my head. "Ok, but I'm gonna go get you a glass of water." She slowly nodded her head. I came back balancing the water carefully on my back. I picked it up with my mouth and say it down beside her. She slowly reached for it and took a sip.
"Yea?" She asked
"I'm here to take care of you if you need someone."
"S-Soarin thank you.........can I tell you something?" She asked in a hushed voice.
"Anything.." Was all I could say.
S-soarin.........I love you she said turning her head do I couldn't see her face.
"Y-you don't know how much I've wanted to hear you say that." I said before grabbing her face to look at me. Her eyes glossy with tears threatening to spill. I slowly wipe them away and whisper something I would never regret or forget........
"I love you too"

Ok guys I'm sorry for taking long but plz forgive me and I made this bcs I love you guys for reading my book ^3^ da next will be longer I promise.


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