Beginning of the End

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"Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come." - Haruki Murakami

In a world where uncanny is expectable, one can only hope to stand out. Izuku Midoriya learned this from a very young age. Born without the special abilities that were common among his peers, he didn't have the strength that was expected of a young man. Where he lacked in power, however, he had a strategically driven brain that was constantly learning and developing to aid him in the world.
He challenged fate and teamed up with his idol to pursue his dream, beginning his hero training at UA. But what happens when fate decides to challenge back?

As he paced down the glass halls of UA, heading to the classroom that had been his home room for quite a few months, Izuku Midoriya waved to his friends, some of whom greeted him with a wave in return, and some, such as the aloof Shoto Todoroki responded with a small nod.
"It's pretty cloudy today, I think it might end up raining later. Did you bring your umbrella?" Ochaco asked as the green haired boy drew closer, carefully setting his supplies for the day on his nearby desk.
"Yes, thankfully I remembered to check the forecast before leaving." Izuku pulled out the umbrella he had tucked in his backpack just before leaving the dorms.
    Many conversations were happening throughout the classroom, ranging from recent riots and major loss of quirks in big cities across the country, the quiz that was happening later in English class, the upcoming school festival, or the physics behind female anatomy (being discussed between a certain pair of boys in the class)
    Izuku's mind stuck on a certain one of those topics, the school festival. Since the class had recently decided to put on a musical performance for their act, a great number of the students in class 1A were nervously passing around ideas amongst each other.
    "I'm still trying to work out the safety measures needed to pull this off." Iida stated, neatly writing down different ways to keep the performance safe despite all the stunts his classmates were planning on doing. "I really don't think lowering Aoyama from the rafters so he can perform as a human disco ball isn't the safest idea. If a student gets injured during this performance, it will make this class look bad! And as the class president, I MUST NOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN!"
    As he continued his rant towards the safety of his classmates, he tightly clutched his pencil, causing it to snap, earning a chuckle from Sero from where he was sitting, having seen it happen.
    "Chill, bro. We don't need you running down our stock of pencils again. Remember what happened last time Mineta got out of control? You snapped at least three, and nearly Mineta's neck as well." Sero said through a smile.
    "If only Iida had gone through with it." sighed Mina.
    "Hey, I'm RIGHT HERE." said a nasally voice belonging to a purple haired boy.
    "I know, it's such a tragedy." she replied.
    "Quiet down! We have lots of things to go over today." A familiar deep voice called out from the doorway of the classroom, his messy dark hair falling in his eyes and keeping the lights from shining too bright in his face. He slowly shuffled to the room, obviously exhausted from his hero duties the previous night. "After today's training, please do not exit the campus. There have been quite a few riots in the city that the top heroes are trying to handle right now. Since it is unsafe and unwise for us to engage in a situation such as this, especially given our recent battle with the yakuza, the campus will be going on somewhat of a lockdown. Keep in mind that this is just for the safety of you young heroes, and to keep certain people from trying to intervene although being told not to." Aizawa continued, but with a pointed look at Izuku, who half smiled awkwardly at his teacher's remark.
    "Neither the League of Villains nor the yakuza have claimed any part in these riots, although that is probably a false claim, due to the major loss in quirks that have skyrocketed in these cities, even affecting mutant quirks." Aizawa continued, "Please don't cause panic or spread any misinformation about these riots, and anyone I catch trying to sneak out will receive suspension or potential expulsion."
    Some of the students had already heard of the things that were happening in the city. Whether they had heard about it from the news or had family that lived in the city, the students were worried as to what could happen before the heroes intervene. Some of them actually looked a bit pale.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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