Cheating wife

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I walked into my home that late afternoon feeling happy, connected to God and most of all feeling pleased with myself that I had come home twenty minutes earlier than usual to surprise my wife, Stephanie

With that in mind I had gone looking for her with a smile on my face. The first place I thought she'd be was the kitchen but after I brief journey there told me otherwise. Next I searched our bedroom but she still wasn't there.

"Where is she?" I asked myself as I continued my search for her

The next place I walked into was our daughter's room and I honestly wish I hadn't. The sight that greeted me was enough to drive me insane!

My wife was in her underwear with a guy's face pressed between her boobs. The guy was on top of her and she had her legs wrapped around him. Her eyes were closed in pleasure and worse, they were on my seven years old daughter's bed and had made a mess of the entire bedroom

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked softly.

Stephanie's eyes immediately popped open while the guy broke free of her grip and stood. But she still laid on the bed looking at me with horror written over her expression

"Matt, how could you?" I said when I recognised the guy to be my best friend or at least I thought he was.

"Bro, it's not what you think" he rushed on

"It's not what I think? Fuck you man! Oh wait... she's already doing that" I replied, cursing for the first time in years.

My wife, hearing me refer to her like that, let out a shocked gasp and sprang  up from the bed. While Matt just back away, rubbing his face with his palm.

"Honey listen" she started reaching out to me

"I swear if you touch me right now, I won't be held responsible for my actions" I said in a cold voice that made her instantly retract her hand

"Calm down, Pete" Matt tried to reason with me

"You, shut the fuck up!" I yelled pointing my index finger at him. Stephanie let out another one of her shocked gasp that was beginning to irritate me

"I can't deal with this shit" I said when they both tried to talk to me at the same time. I turned around and moved out of the room. I needed to get out of there before I murdered one of them

Stephanie followed behind me pleading for me to stay and listen but I was honestly beyond that. I'd seen all I needed to see.

"Stop right there" I said suddenly as we reached the front door and she was about to follow me out

"What? Why?" She asked looking confused

"Look at yourself" I said notifying her of her near nakedness

She looked down, let out a yelp before attempting to cover herself with her arms

"Isn't it too late to feign modesty?"

"Peter, you've got to listen to me" she tried to say more but I cut her off by walking out the door and slamming it behind me

I made sure to bury the urge I had to break something. I had promise myself and God years ago that I'd never go back to that dark place, where anger overrode my self control. I walked briskly to my car and drove off.

I made sure I was miles away from the house before stopping in front of the store at a random gas station.

"Why?" I asked the empty car I sat in

"Why me?" I asked again feeling tears pool down my eyes

Things had been going great for the past ten years, why did she have to ruin it?

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