The crazy day

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Hi my name is Tracie and me and my family have just moved to sunny California. Hollywood to be precise or as I call it Hollyweird.

The place where if you're lucky or ambitious enough or in our case crazy enough you might just become one of the lucky few to become famous or end up in the nuthouse.

In our case we should've already been locked away and the key tossed where nobody could ever find it.

As we looked out the windows of the family bus we saw a building for sale and it was then that Mr.J slammed on the brakes and slung us against the sidewalk with a grin.

"Hellooooo I saw this building and simply couldn't resist taking a look." Mr.J said as we all exhaled our breaths.

"You trying to kill us all ya damn nut?" Rosalee asked as she looked at him with a bug eyed expression.

"Nooo not all my dear do I look like I would do something like that to you?" Joker said as he giggled psychotically.

"Do you really want the answer to that question jackass?" JJ asked with a smirk.

"Zip it." Mr.J said as he grinned evily.

JJ was not in the best of moods and he loved his brother dearly, but it had been a very long trip and he grew tired of the shit. In true Cajun style he got out of his seat, walked up to Mr.J and not so politely punched him in the nose.

Harley stood up and got between them."Do I need to have all of us committed?" She asked as she looked at them both.

I tried to keep a straight face but after getting the death glare all I ended up doing was laughing hysterically. "Harley dear, dont you think that should've already happened? Like a long damn time ago?"

JJ looked at me. "Trace babe, unless you want me to invent a new and improved game of twister, I suggest you sit back and lock your lips."

Synn nudged tracies arm and whispered as they both looked up and laughed till they could no longer laugh.

"What's so funny you two?" J asked as he looked at them both.

"Nothing "Daddy." Tracie snorted and giggled dementedly.

J walked to where she was sitting and lifted her out of her seat by her throat. "I got your daddy right here." He said as he kissed her then sat her back down in her seat.

"Jesus can we stop with the shit and get out and stretch?" Havoc said as he grabbed Tilayah and opened the back door and jumped out and sat her down.

Mr.J waited till J had walked to the front of the bus to exit before putting boots to ass and watching as he landed face first on the concrete with a hard thud before walking out and waiting on everyone else.

After they all exited the bus one hell of a fight broke out between the brothers and as Tracie tried to move away she ended up getting punched in the face. "CAN WE PLEASE STOP THIS DAMN SHIT." Before her vision blurred and darkened before the world went black.

(A few hours later)

I woke up and made my way into the bathroom to look at my face. "Son of a grade a bitch." I said as I got a good look at myself. Having the worlds worst pounding headache, along with pump knots the size of softballs, a black eye, split lip and a swollen nose.

"Who's ass should I kick first?" I asked as I walked into the living room as I saw them immediately point at each other.

"NAH FUCK THAT SHIT!!!" I screamed angrily. I walked up to Mr.J and looked at him."You need to learn how to fucking drive dipshit." I replied before punching him square in the nose with a left hook that hit its target on point. "I swear to whoever is listening that you two should really oh I don't know, THINK BEFORE YOU ACT LIKE A BUNCH OF RABID HYENAS CAUSE THIS IS ALWAYS THE END RESULT IS ME GETTING PUNCHED WHEN IM TRYING TO MOVE. ITS LIKE YALL MAKE IT A POINT TO MOVE TOWARDS ME AND I END UP GETTING HURT." I yelled as I walked to a room walked in and unceremoniously slammed the door.

It became so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I sat on the floor hugging my knees when I saw the door knob turn before the door opened as Silver walked in and sat next to me.

There was nowhere on me that wasn't sore, stiff or hurting like a mother fucker and I was still hot heated up livid. Silver wanted so badly to hug me as she looked at me with those large round odd colored eyes that it was almost impossible for me to say no.

I wrapped my arms around her gently, careful not to Make myself hurt anymore then I did. "Which one of them hit you?" She asked as she looked at me.

"Mr.J did unfortunately why?" I asked as we simply sat there holding each other.

"Cause J thinks youre angry at him sissy love." Sil said as she smiled and snuggled.

"I'm not angry with him, I'm angry that any of this happened to begin with and Mj could've gotten us all hurt." I told her. "Bring him in here please sissy love." I told her as I moved my arms so she could get up.

Silver swayed her hips as she walked into the main room and looked around. "Where did the lug nut run off to now?" She asked as she looked at everyone.

They all pointed towards the exit. "Ah bloody hell jj you Neanderthal, get your over sized ass back in here before I have to beat you up."

Silver grabbed his hand and walked with him to where tracie was sitting.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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