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You walk through the old town road in the tranquility of an autumn's pleasant afternoon with your melancholic state of mind as always.

That's your true self but you don't show this your real self to the world . For them you are a bubbly clumsy and strong girl. You hide your true self from this world because they might presume u as a weak and pitiful girl. You don't want anyone's sympathy anymore. You had enough of it.

It's so noiseless and pleasant there......only chirping of birds and some insects could be heard. Why wouldn't it even be silent..?...it was silent because the road and the woody alley was visited only by you and him.... just the of you two.

No one used that road because it wasn't a smooth way to go anywhere and mainly because of the factory fire incident....so many people died in that accident and...and your family too , your eomma , appa and your little brother too...... you were just 10 year old and your bro was 5.... you'll never forget that night....... It was a terrible night. The worst night that ever appeared in your life.

Flashback :

"Y/n baby I need to visit your father's factory. He asked me to bring some important papers to him , I will be back after an hour okay? be good to grandma." She kissed your forehead and left with a warm smile carrying your brother.

"Ok eomma , I'll be good to grandma be back soon ." You exclaimed warmly behind her back without having any idea what was going to happen. Without knowing that will be the last time you will be seeing your mother and your brother. She said she will come back again but she never did......

Later your grandma said that they need to go somewhere , she picked you up and went to that factory in a rush. You were dumbfounded. What was happening? What's in the news ? Why are all of your neighbor at your house all of a sudden. Nothing feels right.

You and your grandma went there and found out that your family is no more . Hearing such news your grandma fainted....
They took her to the hospital but they left you behind without knowing that you were with her.

You were lost in the crowd of people running here and there aimlessly. It was so loud there.....it was obvious that no one could hear your voice. You started crying.....but then

a boy slightly older than you held your hands and took you with him in a car. You followed him , u still don't know why , he was special his aura was not similar to anyone else you have met before. He hugged you and calmed you.You fell asleep on his shoulder , when you woke up u found yourself in a mansion. It was a huge mansion. They said you were going to live there for few days or months until your grandma recovers.

A pretty women with blonde hair came near and hugged you. You were in a deep trauma . You cried.... you cried a lot . She said they will take care of you from now on. After some time you got to know that it was their factory. And they had good relationship with your parents.

Back to reality~

They says it's haunted here. But u have never felt anything creepy......it was so pleasant and soothing here , nothing else..... Wherever you came here you felt safe and presence of some Angels... your family?maybe ?

People thought you were a psychopath and a creep. No one wanted to hand out with you , not even your classmates but except him..... He was the only friend you had .

The one and ONLY. But you lost him.... ;/

After walking a while you came across the alley surrounded by the golden brown woods. You noticed that same bench at the same place....."oh it's still here" you exclaimed loudly out of joy and went closer to the bench. It was white back then but now it's all rusty and dusty . As expected no one took care of it .

You cleaned some space on the bench and sat down and concurrently so many memories popped in your mind. Your memories were still so vivid.

The first thought that came in your mind was that guy waiting for you here while reading books . Wearing that hand knitted sweater and shawl which you gifted him on his 17th birthday , he loved it so much . Sunlight caressing his face , those shiny eyes with that gummy smile.....he was so ethereal... like so beautiful....you just couldn't remove your eyes from him.....

Running throug the woods with your giggles filling the woods. Bickering each other . Bunking classes to be here together, spending some time. And many more uncountable sweet memories.


he would have still been with you.......
Only if things were not so messed up. Only if you had tried to figure out any other way back then , you were helpless but still , somehow..? It's all your fault , but overall it was for his good !!!..... Thinking of it all a droplet of a tear fell on your cheeks without your consent...... you wiped your tears and sadly mumbled~
"Memories....so many sweet memories. Some memories are unforgettable , remaining ever vivid and heartwarming"

You never realised when actually you fell for him...... Maybe since high School? Or the day you met him for the first time? But what about him? Did he have such feelings for you too? Did it affected him when you left him..... who knows. But he will never know that he is your sun he is your moon , he is your whole universe , will he?

He's the only one you you had after your parents passed away he was the one who stood behind you.... Who motivated you....... Who hugged you in your vulnerable days....but you lost him too...

Now finally you got up from the bench with a warm smile to return home as it's getting late but it started drizzle all of a sudden.

"Aahh it started raining! What the hell is wrong with weather forecast these days it said today it will be a sunny day and that's why I'm not carrying an umbrella ugh , what should I do? Should I just run for now? Let's do it cause what else can I do" you said to yourself in a confused manner.

You turned back to start running but unfortunately you bumped into a guy most probably because he was standing too close to you.

You almost fell on the ground but the guy held your hands and pulled you closer to him which resulted your face coming too close to him. The moment freezed for awhile. He was wearing a black mask and was holding an umbrella before you stumbled over him , he threw the umbrella in order to prevent you from falling . But his eyes...his eyes were too beautiful.......and his cologne was so sweet .

But who's he? Is he a stalker or what? Omg.




please don't mind grammatical mistakes ;0

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑨𝑮𝑨𝑵𝑻♡︎ [MʏɢXʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] Where stories live. Discover now