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June 13th


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Friends With Benefits .

For the past few days on the RatedR channel , things have been rocky . First off , Angel and Lena fought , so did Angel and Benet . Liberty and Nyema also fought , then I fought Nyema .
Ke'Miyah and Cam ended up making up during the trip in NOLA . Jacob had feelings for somebody else so Ke'Miyah and him kept it strictly as friends . Nadia ended up joining the show and there were some rumors going around about her and Cam . Brooklyn also joined and fought sasha over Jacob .

So for friends with benefits , obviously Ke'Miyah was coupled up with Cam . Lately it's been a little weird between them . Cam was being very distant and would always sneak off somewhere .

Ke'Miyah and Jacob decided to keep it strictly as a friendship . Ke'Miyah and Cam got back on good terms a few days ago leading to them coupling up . Although there were rumors that Cam and Nadia was messing around , so obviously she asked around and Nadia said her and Cam were strictly friends .

She believed it obviously . Today they were playing the heart rate game . The first person in the seat was Tj .

" Ashleigh , I dare you to um , rub up and down his chest ". TABINA told her . Everyone started ou' ing and cheering for him . Ashleigh rose up out of her seat and began to rub on his chest as he began to get nervous . His heart rate went up a bit .

Next up was Debo. He head a monotone face and his heart rate was pretty low .

" Okay , benet I dare you to sit on his lap ". Tabina told her. She slowly rise up out of her seat and walked over to him . He kept a straight face while she did it , his heart rate didn't move much but it did slightly move .

" Debo knows he likes that ". Nia whispered in Ke'Miyah 's ear as she laughed and shook her head . Cam was standing with Nadia across the room . Ke'Miyah would catch his taking quick glances at Nadia , not thinking too much of it tho . She did think that it was weird that he was sitting with Nadia and not her .

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