The Morning After

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I awoke as I herd the boys coming back from their night out. I slowly got up and raced to the door before they had the chance to turn the key in the door. I swung the door open before they could say anything.

“Hey mate,” Max said rather loud. “What seems to be the problem? Why can’t we come in. Oh,” he chuckled. “Another one of your one night stands. Hmm? ”

I cocked my head over my shoulders. Max looked over.

“Oh,” he said his smile disappearing. “Mel again?”

I nodded. “Just don’t make any loud noises.”

“How bad was it this time?” Jay whispered.

“Come look for yourself,” I replied.

I walked Jay over to where Mel was sleeping and gently moved her blonde-brown hair behind her ear.

Jay was silent. “She looks like hell. That’s pretty bad,” he finally said.

“I still don’t understand why she doesn’t leave him, and after all we say to her,” Nathan added.

“I guess she never knew was love really is…I guess I failed in the big ‘brother’ department,” I told Nathan.

I saw Melanie move. I guess she was getting up.

“Hey sweetheart,” I said stroking her hair. “Did u have a good sleep?”

She nodded and yawned. At that moment I realized that whatever happened I knew she couldn’t go back to Michael. I couldn’t let him hit her again. I don’t know if it was the big brother in me saying that. Or something else.

‘Tom?” she asked. “Can you go put the kettle on for some tea for me please?”

I nodded and did as I was told.


I noticed that Jay was still staring at my face. I ignored this fact and asked him while mumbling into my pillow where had he and the boys gone last night.

“Oh no place special,” he answered.

“Jay,” I said laughing. “You’re voice drops a octave when your lying.”

“Me and the boys went over to Annie’s.”

 “Don’t u mean the boys and I went over to Annie’s?” I corrected him. “Oh never mind. What did you do over there?”

“We had some drinks.” I lifted my head up and turned to face him. “That’s all I swear to the lord above that’s all we did.”

“Sure,” I told him. “Sure.”

I introduced Annie to the boys after ‘The Wanted’ had formed.  We are best friends and had been since we were in primary school. She took an instant liking to Nathan. While Jay took an instant liking to her older sister Patricia. Annie still doesn’t know the status of my relationship with Michael. She thinks we are on such good terms. Besides what’s a few bruises going to do to someone. He doesn’t mean anything by it anyway. I never told her because she would make a big deal about how ‘its like um…abusive.’ Its definitely not.  Whenever she asked me about the bruises I had just told her that Tom and I had been wrestling and I had hit my arm on the corner table. I felt like I was living a lie. But, I had to keep some secrets from people.

“You do realize that the boys and me… or should I say the boys and I are here for you right?” Jay said interrupting my thoughts.

I nodded.

“Good,” he said slapping my thigh as he got up. The pain shot through me like a red-hot inferno.

Jay realized what he had done. “Oh my god,” he said covering his mouth. “I am so sorry.”

“It’s noting,” I lied.

“Mel your tea is ready,” Tom bellowed to me.

“I’m coming,” I said. “Keep your pants on. I know that’s really hard for you to do anyway.”


I deiced that I should be nice and help her up from the couch. I got into the living room just in time to see how bad she really was. She was about as thin as a pole. Jay was right she did look like hell. I don’t know what was worse, the fact that her legs looked worse than her arms, or the fact that she looked like she had been living in the streets for years.

“Tom,” she laughed. “I know I’m sexy but please stop looking at me like that.”

She went over to the counter and sat in front of the tea had prepared for her. I came up from behind her and hugged her trying to hold back my tears. I had really failed as a brother.

“What was that for,” she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Geez,” she laughed. “You’ve been hanging out with your lover Nathan too much now a days.”

“I heard that,” Nathan said from the other end of the house.

“Tom you do realize how much I love you right?” Melanie asked me.

Her question haunted me until I herd the phone ringing.

I'm in LOVE with my 'brother!?' A Tom Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now