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edited and proofread, but do comment if you find any errors!

IT WAS FINALLY THE next day, though to [name] it felt like an eternity of waiting

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IT WAS FINALLY THE next day, though to [name] it felt like an eternity of waiting. they were now sitting face to face at a secluded area in the café. they both sipped on their tea, [name] enjoying a cup of [flavor] tea, while the lady who she learned was called Tamari, enjoyed a blend of lavender and chamomile tea.

(my favorite tea ever is this one hibiscus tea my dad had once brought me from Kilimanjaro, lavender and chamomile blend is also really good, i definitely recommend lavender and chamomile if you're ever feeling anxious or restless.)

they had already gotten past introductions, and [name] was not sure how to bring up the main reason for their meeting. she took another bite of her pastry, thankful when Tamari finally spoke up.

"so, what would you like to know?"

"everything you've got, just lay it all out on me."

her question was an easy one so [name] didn't have to give it much thought, she needed all the information she could get.

"well i guess i'll tell you the whole story.."


it was 6 years ago, my life was at its peak, i had a loving boyfriend, a stable job and pretty much everything we could ask for. we could not have been happier. it was also around that time that vampires had begun making themselves known, and my boyfriend proposed the idea of us becoming immortal. i didn't like the idea that much, but if he wanted it then i'd do it. i loved him a lot.

so we began searching, it wasn't as hard to find one as they were more open back then. when my boyfriend and i met them, they were really nice, they seemed pretty normal too. after you overlook the red liquid in their wine glasses that looked too thick to be wine of course.

we chatted, mostly with a ginger haired man until my boyfriend brought up the topic of becoming immortal. i suppose they knew already and just were not sure if we were actually going to outright say it.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 | b. keisukeWhere stories live. Discover now