Asking Questions/Dares

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Before I start to write this fourth wall break shit a BIG thanks to jinxy_wolfy for requesting this idea.

Me: Hey y'all Sonlove17 here and welcome to my own writing hell because I hate this from of writing but this style is more fun anyway. Here's the soft boys themselves Steven and Y/n!

Steven 14: Hello everyone! Younger Steven yelled with a wave.

Steven 16: Hey guys. Older Steven said while giving a peace sign.

Y/n 14: Why did you call us "soft boys?" Younger Y/n ask with a rise of his eyebrow.

Y/n 16: Because they can. Older Y/n explained with a laughed.

Me: Exactly now y'all can ask these fine boys your ever dying questions or breath taking dares!

Steven 14: What types of dares are we taking here hopefully nothing too dangerous. Steven gulped.

Me: My audience is usually really sweet so I wouldn't worry that much Steven.

Steven 16: Yeah don't worry little me if they ask anything more steamy Y/n and I can take care of it. Older Steven reassured with a smile.

Y/n 16: Yeah hopefully they don't make us do a lot of those type dares. Older Y/n said with a sigh.

Y/n 14: they shouldn't but knowing are some people are. Younger Y/n said with a laugh.

Me: My audience isn't that perverted! before this gets out of hand ask you questions and dares below and I'll be sure to answer them as soon as I can. I think that about warps that up have a great day y'all love ya!

Steven 14: Bye everyone can't wait to hear your questions! Younger Steven said with a big smile.

Y/n 14: Bye guys and make Steven try baking so he can get his practice in. Younger Y/n said with a sly smile.

Steven 14: Hey that was one time I almost blow up the kitchen. Younger Steven yelled with a blush on his face.

Steven 16: Shit I forgot I did that. Older Steven said with a laugh.

Y/n 16: I never did and I know for a fact Pearl didn't either. Y/n replied with a chuckle.

Me: God you four. bye y'all see y'all next time.

I didn't want to put this in the skit thing I did but here's some rules y'all. First all questions and dares should be 16+ manly because I'm not writing smut. I have the right not to answer a question and I think with y'all it will only be for spoiler stuff. I think that's the main things I wanted to bring up so I'll see y'all next time❤️

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