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@jinxy_wolfy asked. Question for all four: how would you react if somebody tried to steal your lover?

Steven 16: "I wouldn't get jealous, I know Y/n loves me too much." Older Steven said with a proud smile.

Y/n 16:" Pink Steven would disagree with you." Older Y/n replied with a smirk.

Steven 16:" I thought we agreed that we wouldn't bring up anything from the future!" Older Steven whispered in Y/n's ear.

Y/n 16:"They have no idea what that means and I thought we could make jokes on it." Y/n replied.

Steven 14:"What's Pink Steven, a new power?!' Steven asked with a big smile on face.

Y/n 16:" In a way yes but that's all we can tell you two." Older answered with a small smile.

Y/n 14"Why not?" Y/n asked.

Steven 16:"Because time travel and Baby can you answer your part of question?" Steven asked.

Y/n 16:"Alright I wouldn't really get jealous, it's a waste of time." Y/n answered.

Y/n 14:"For me I'd rather put my energy into something else." Younger Y/n replied.

Steven 14:" I would be sad but I know Y/n would never go with that person without a good reason." Younger Steven said while hugging his boyfriend.

Y/n 14:"Aww Steven." Younger Y/n said while giving him a kiss on the head.

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