44. Discoveries, Betrayals & Tricks

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Post Date: 09.14.2021

Word count: 2.5k

Based off: 01x10 "The Casket Girls"


The next morning I sit down for a few minutes, debating on whether or not to open the book. I was scared, yet curious to find out who my family was. Eventually, I gave in and opened the book. Listed at the top was name, date of birth, location born, and relationship. The first insert read Emma Dumont, January 17th, 1861, Mystic Falls Virginia. I followed the rest of the names for several pages, some names of people born in the pack and others who married into the pack. Eventually, I got to the last three lines. The names read James Dumont, Liam Dumont, and Athena Dumont, all having been born into the pack. My name being the last.

The one piece of information that caught my eyes was that Liam was only born two years before me. Leading me to think I may have a brother out there. I didn't hesitate for a moment to find Klaus. I get ready and rush out of the house.

"Athena?" Elijah asks, noticing my demeanor.

"Yes?" I ask back.

"Is everything alright?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah, um I just need to find Klaus," I say.

"What for?"

"Uhh... How much do you know about my family's past or my bloodline?" I ask.

"Not much. But I can try and be of help," He says.

"Klaus gave me this book last night," I hand Elijah the small notebook. "It has a list of people in my bloodline starting from 1861 Mystic Falls. But there's a name right above mine of a person that was born two years before me and in Mystic Falls. I need to know if Klaus knew if I had a sibling or something," I say.

"I haven't heard of a Liam Dumont, nor do I know if Klaus knew of one," Elijah responds.

"Ok, thanks. I'm gonna have to go find him. Any idea where?"

"He'll probably be in the compound,"

"Oh, hey Athena. Are you gonna come to the Casket Girl Festival?" Haley asks coming down in a white dress.

"Uh..maybe. I just have some... family things to deal with," I say and head out of the mansion. Behind me, I hear Elijah tell Haley that I had found some information on my bloodline. I make a b-line to the compound, or at least however fast I could get there with all the people in the road.

"Klaus!" I yell, my voice booming in the courtyard. "Klaus!!"

"Sh Sh, love," I hear quietly behind me, making me jump. "What is it, love?" He asks softly.

"Were you trying to play a joke on me or something with this book? To give me hope or something?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?" He asks seeming to be genuinely confused.

"This," I hastily turn to the last logbook page. "Who the hell is Liam Dumont? He was born only two years before me, yet I've never heard his name in my life. Did I have a brother? And if so, where the hell is he? And why didn't my parents tell me about him?" I ask pissed.

"Woah, Woah hold on," He says and takes the book from my hands. "I have never heard of a Liam Dumont. As far as I know, you were the only one born to your parents," Klaus says after scanning the line. I lean against the fountain and put my face in my hands.

"Klaus, I need to talk to you," I hear Marcel saying walking into the courtyard.

"Not now," Klaus responds. Seeming as If he'd want to actually help or comfort me.

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