Life As I Know It

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“Screech!” the wheel cried.

I closed my eyes bracing for impact. We were going to hit a tree. And we were going to hit it going fifty miles per hour. All because of that blinding light. My fingers clenched around the hand grip. One…two..three


The car crunched against the great redwood. I gasped as the force pushed me sideways, while the seatbelt constricted around me crushing my lungs. Beside me, the driver lurched forward hitting the wheel. Glass shot everywhere around us. A sickening smell of blood and gasoline poured through the air. I opened my eyes feeling the beating of my heart ram my chest. There wasn’t much I knew about cars but I did know this, we had to get out it fast.

“Hey,” I choked out to the driver. “Hey, are you awake?”

                A groan escaped him as he slowly lifted his head from the wheel. Bruises and cuts covered what would normally be a handsome face. “Yeah.” he muttered, his voice deep and smooth.

                His hazel eyes stared at me for a second .  “Are you okay?”

 I opened my mouth to reply when an indescribable sound erupted. Before either of us could get a word out flames shot out from the hood of the car. A scream escaped me . My hands fumbled to get the seatbelt unbuckled but it refused to move. “It’s jam! It’s Jam!” I screeched tugging harder onto the buckle.

                It didn’t budge though. Tears fell down my cheeks as I continued pulling. This could not be how I died. Not when I didn’t even understand how this happened. “Calm down, you’re only going to make it worse by yanking it like that,” a calm voice instructed.

                I looked up to see the driver free from his confines leaning over me. Suddenly a pair of warm hands passed over mine onto the buckled. They gave it a couple of quick tugs before giving up. Fear filled me as the crackingly noise of the flames came back more evident. “Please, don’t leave me,” I begged, my hands grabbing his.

                “I won’t,” he promised. “Alright, I promise.”

With that said he pulled away disappearing into the smoke and blackness of the night. A sob escaped me. He had left me to die alone. “Oh god, oh god please don’t leave me,” I cried curling up in the seat.

                Suddenly I could feel the burning heat of the metal and the painful suffocating of the smoke. More sobs escaped as I thought about the life I would be leaving behind. My family would mourn over me. My friends would cry. Newspapers could call me the tragedy of century. Or would they? My heart stop at the sudden realization. My family, my friends, I couldn’t remember them. I couldn’t remember anything. Who was I? “I couldn’t find any help, but I found a knife in my pocket. I’m going to cut you out okay?” a familiar voice assured.

                I blinked as through the smoke a blond head poked out. It was the driver. He had returned for me like promised.  “You came back,” I whispered into the smoke.

                There was no answer, but I could feel the friction of the blade against the belt. For a second I had hope. That is until the hood of the car started to make a combustion like noise. My eyes widened. It was going to blow! The car was going to blow. I turned the driver scared that he heard it too and was getting ready to ditch me.  “It’s going to be alright,” he said as if reading my mind. “I almost have it.”

                I swallowed the hard lump in throat. He was willing to risk his life to save me. Even though there was no way in hell the two of us where going to get out of this alive. “Go,” I ordered. “Save yourself, before it explodes.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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