Chap 10: Engagement

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Kaito pov

The next morning, Kaito awake first. When he saw his lover still sleeping peacefully. He smiled at him quietly, than he remember what happen last night make his smile turn to frown. He felt guilt when he think about it. He let the detective suffer alone, he left his lover in this cruelty world alone. So that's why he decide to fix this, they have a second chance to be together. The chance for them to be happy, and the chance for them to take the black organization down with what they already know.

But first he need to fix their relationship, he need to apologize too Shinichi. So he decide to make his lover a breakfast. Kaito decide to get off from the bed but before that he kiss Shinichi forehead and smile softly while looking at Shinichi sleeping face and he get off from the bed straight to the kitchen making breakfast for him and Shinichi.

Time skip 1 hours later...

Shinichi pov

Shinichi woke up felt light headed after crying so much last night. He felt the sun brightening behind the curtain showing that it's already morning. So he decide to wake up and wash himself but something stop him or more like someone stop him to get off from the bed.

He turn around and saw the one that he love about. He saw Kaito sleeping beside him while holding his waist from behind. He miss this situation, waking up with the one he love. Felt the warm from his hug, felt the adoration and caring from his lover. He felt his eyes start to get watery again but he tried to hold it because he don't want Kaito to wake up and see him crying.

He don't want Kaito think that he getting weak and become a crybaby. He need to stay strong for his and Kaito's sake. Even though he tried to hold his tears, they still flowing and he tried to hold his voice but it came out with sniff.

Suddenly he felt familiar thumb wiping his tears. Shinichi look up and saw Kaito looking at him with soft but a concern expression. "What's wrong?" ask Kaito still concern while his hand cupping Shinichi cheek. Shinichi wipe his tears and back away his face a little, "It's nothing just remember of something" said Shinichi while still wiping his tears.

Kaito lifted his chin and kissing him surprising Shinichi. He look at him smile softly, "It's okay, I'm here now. We'll be together forever. I'll be with you wherever you go. I will always with you and I will always love you forever. When you need me, I will always be by your side. So Shinichi when the time comes..." said Kaito cupping Shinichi wet cheek. "Let's get married, Shinichi."

Shinichi tears start to flow again and close him mouth with a gasp, because those line was something future Kaito said to him before the failure of the take down. His hand unconsciously cupping Kaito face softly while his tears still flowing. "Kaito? It's... It's really you?" ask him hoping that the Kaito in front of him is really his Kaito.

Kaito answer back with a warm smile and nodded. Shinichi jump to Kaito with happy tears, hugging him tightly and kiss Kaito on the lips. Kaito were shocked at first but then he return the kiss back. The kiss getting deeper when Kaito put his tongue inside Shinichi mouth exploring every inch inside him. He miss this feeling, the feeling that he want to take Shinichi wholely. About 10 minutes later they decide to stop for need some oxygen.

Normal pov

The two couple breath heavily, Kaito connecting their forehead together and grin, "So that's mean you say yes?" ask him and look at Shinichi still breathing with his face turn red for out of air and embarrassment. He look at his lover that still grinning at him. He tried to comprehend what Kaito saying, then he remember that the magician proposed to him earlier.

Shinichi face turn into blushing mess, Kaito chuckle at him and he holding both of Shinichi hand then give some kiss. And look at Shinichi softly, "Please marry me, Shinichi" said Kaito again with his and Shinichi's forehead were connected while both of his hand holding Shinichi's hand gently.

Shinichi face still red for blushing and embarrassment from proposal but he nodded with his soft smile showing that he agree, "Yes, I will marry you Kaito" respond Shinichi. Kaito grin at him fondly, "Now I just need to buy a ring and our parent approval. Then we can get married and stay together forever." said Kaito with his wolf ears twitching and his tail swinging excitedly.

Time skip after breakfast...

"A date?" ask Shinichi in confusion. He don't know why Kaito suddenly suggest to go on a date with him. "Yup, with me got my memory back and we didn't get the time to go on a date because that time the organization trailing us. So I decide to go on a date with you while we can before we start our plan to take them down again. I want our remaining time to spend together with you." said Kaito told Shinichi the reason why he need to do this.

Shinichi try to think the reason for this, he really want to go but... There's something that make him hesitant. Kaito saw that look on his lover so he decide to comfort Shinichi for going on date with him. He take both of Shinchi hand and hold it gently. "Please Shinichi! Go out on date with me." Pleaded Kaito show his puppy dog eyes at Shinichi knowing Shinichi is weak with those look.

Shinichi look at him and sigh in defeat know he couldn't win with those look. He nodded his head weakly and said "Alright, I go on a date with you." Kaito jump in excitement went Shinichi accept to go out with him. "Great, then. I'll go home and get ready, then I pick you up at 6.30 p.m. I'm look forward for this date." said Kaito decide to leave. Before he left, he kiss Shinichi on the lips starting his lover. Then he left Shinichi's house to get ready for their date.


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