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I feel as if I'm drifting off peacefully and my body feels bubbly, in the way that champagne is. My body starts to shimmer and the bubbly feeling starts to consume me and I begin to disintegrate, but I am okay with it because I've already lived life and I'm ready to disappear.

All of a sudden, everything goes in reverse.
My body takes form again, the shimmering particles joining back together. I'm starting to get really confused because, I mean, I don't know what's supposed to happen when you die, but I'm pretty sure this isn't right. I start to freak out and my breathing quickens. A bright light hits my peripheral vision and I feel queasy and pained.
It begins to transform into an unbearable surge of agony.
I wake up with the light growing until it transforms into a light of technology, hanging above my head.
A light bulb.
In real life.
A doctor is looking down on me.

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