pancakes and girls

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if there was one thing in this world that can make me wake up, it would be the all American smell of pancakes in the morning, yupp I can be summoned from the deepest of slumbers by the sweet scent of pancakes. Sadly it was the saddening smell of burnt pancakes that woke me that morning. I had only opened my eyes two minutes before I heard the knocking on my door. As I was reaching for my glasses my younger sister flung the door open

"Austin you nerd, wake up"

As I gained my vision I looked at my sister, grinning from ear to ear in the door way, her chest lighting up my dim room. She looked just like me as many people said, long black hair, pale face and green-grey eyes. Which ment a lot of guys liked her

"What's his name?"

I had become accustomed to asking my 15 year old sister who the new guy in her life was every couple of weeks. did I like watching her go through the same thing time?, but what could I do, all I was is her dorky older brother, and yes I know I should step in every time her chest glowed because the only thing that led to was her mascara running and her chest dull as a brick but I guess it was a part of growing up. plus it totally wasn't to get the thought that her chest was glowing and mine wasn't the fact she had found the love of her life and I hadn't, that me Austin Gama hadn't even felt that sensation not once in my life. People say it feels like your hearts on fire but in a nice way. But all I felt was a dull nothingness.

"His name is jones, and oh Austin he's just adorable and he cares so much and he's romantic and his eyes and Austin he's perfect I will tell you more at breakfast but mum say you gotta come down or you're going to be super late"

I sighed and stood from my bed, it was exactly what she said two months ago about James and the month before that about Luke, gab, Marcus and fin. I don't know if my sister was in love or in love with the idea of being in love. Nope now wasn't the time to be worrying about Alaska and her crazy boyfriends she had picked over the summer. I had to get ready for school, or hell whichever way you want to take it.. and as I walked to the bathroom, I flinched, as I realized I had school again, the past weekend I had spent wondering the streets of Venice beach Florida not really doing much, and there was no way I was going to admit I was looking for a special someone, besides that school had just been a bad dream to me all weekend I had put it at the back of my mind. Now it was here and there was no backing down, I mean its not like I disliked school. I am really good at in classand I have the highest grades in my English class than anyone else in my year. You know if it wasn't for people thinking I am a complete nerd I would be perfectly fine.

I walked to the en suite and looked into the mirror above the marble sink. my face was normal pretty handsome I mean I didn't gloat about stuff like this but I can't not notice my chilled features on my pale face and green-grey eyes along with the curly mop of black hair that sat on top of my head. Yupp I was alright for a nerd or dork or whatever people call me, I flicked my hair out of my face, great a spot. On the side corner of my cheek was a spot small but noticeable. I huffed and took a shower before getting dressed in my usual checked shirt and jeans before following the overwhelming smell of burnt pancakes, and even though it was pancakes I felt this uneasy feeling in my stomach as I walked down the stairs and into my family's kitchen.

my mother wore a thick jumper decpit the bright may weather and a apron as she fought to keep the remaining pancake batter from burning. alaska sat at the table txting furiously and eating pancakes. As i finished my pancakes i whistled at alaska to get her attention. I looked at my watch

"School. Get in car. Now"

She nodded and i grabbed my bag before kissing my mom goodby and grungly leaving for school

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