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Much for the team displeased Hinata was voted to be part of the student council as expected but they didn't expect that it was this soon, he is just a first year but what even more is not just part, he is voted as vice president. Students that being voted that actually roused up were those like 2nd or 3rd already not someone who's new around.

And well they kinda thought he would just be a member of it like secretary, treasurer, taking note that he is also almost incapable of talking.

So now, not only is he constantly busy to be with them like usual now even though he does still go to the gym it wasn't as often or early as he used to do than when he was just part of all in club, now it even more that he is the vice president of the School Student Council (SSC).

Though it pisses them off, they can't do anything about it not now that it's too early.

Hinata being Vice President still did points for the team too, for some reason when he roused up to the sit they have been getting invitation from other schools helping them gets more matches and Takeda doesn't have to use his um..unique skill from now on.


That being said they now have another practice match, it's with the cats.

And Hinata like before he was left behind or so they thought.

3rd pov

Arriving at his destination, Hinata along with his group are heading inside where they're gonna stay for a week they are currently at the prestigious school Shiratorizawa a famous school for their high education, athletes and school high feedbacks.

They had something to talk with the school, as the representative they were the one that go and visit them.

Hinata.. Being Hinata, smol and easy to lose although eye catching could get out someone's watch, is lost.. As the group were calming themselves although more were in distress they go in to have him get found.

Hinata on the other hand were also.. Nah, he wasn't at all in distress well a minute ago when he haven't realized that he was lost.

With his oh so smart brain it came with a brilliant idea to.. Go around and just go find his team on his own.🙂

Hinata as he look for his group saw this group not his but students from the said school how did he know? The purple colored uniforms they wear, and school team jacket. He made his way to them and took out his pad and pen. One of them already noticed him then the more closer he step the rest of them turn till he was up close to them.

Are you guys a team from this school?
Hinata wrote down and while he do so they watch him silently waiting, they read what he wrote when he turn it to them
Ah yeah we are, who are you?
A guy with slightly spiked up gray hair with black tips on each asked him
He look like suga...
Hinata thought as he look at him and the more he do so the more he see their similarities and differences.
You're not a student from here are you?
Another guy but with an odd violet colored hair and with this straight cut bangs..
Of course he isn't, see his uniform? Does he look like he belong here?
Another one said harshly as he side eyed him, brown hair with uneven bangs..
Another odd pair... He kinda remind me of Tsukishima... And this one act a bit like Yamaguchi.. Similar yet not...
Hinata thought once again as he watches the two.
That's right I'm not, I'm lost from my group. I'm one of the representative of our school that's why I'm here.
Hinata nod and wrote down then turn again
I see, well do you know where you guys were supposed to be?
The first guy
To this school Student Council Room.
Hinata again
Wait you're a part of a student Council?
Almost exclaiming his question a guy asked

Hinata nod at the guy's question although he was a bit confused he just shrug it maybe because of his disability yeah. A guy smack the back of the guy's head and said
Why are you so surprised
The guy with uneven bangs question but more like mocking
I- I was just asking..
The guy with odd violet colored hair
Sorry about him he's just like that.
Another guy, with dark toned skin taller than Hinata softly said to him smiling.
Don't worry it didn't bother me. So, do you guys know which way is it? The room. He remind of something as well....
Hinata wrote down and asked again as he thought of what he remind him of this guy in front of him but shook it off his mind after as he feel himself getting hungry.
Ah yeah! We do um, I-
The 1st guy hesitantly about to say when he was cut off by an unexpected one
I can accompany him there,
A tall guy with olive green hair, too tall actually as he stand in front of him.
Eh Ushijima, I ca-
Before he could even said something someone from the back called for him that made him tsked to himself
Okay, hey he'll take you there do excuse his lack of words and stiffness. Well I'll be going now!
Before going he said few things about the guy wave and left completely going,
I'll take you there.
The guy sternly said to him and start walking, Hinata turn to the guys that was left and bow to them and start following the other.

The walk there was.. Quiet like a deafening silence remained between the two, although one want to start something is unable to do so because the other was walking fast with his long leg and his inability to do so.

Here we are.
Ushijima said as he stopped in front of a door which has a sign Council Room.
Thank you for taking me here! Bye!
Hinata wrote down quickly not to take more time than he already took. Smiling he turn and let the other read it.
No problem.
Ushijima said bowing down slightly, then turning around after and start walking away.

Hinata walk in the room after knocking and receiving an answer behind the door, he walk in the room and just he thought he sees his group which was relieved seeing him and breath.

He was introduced there and the meeting goes smoothly then.

The students there seems to liked Hinata quickly as they discuss things.

A guy walking back to his team yet his face an unusual expression with his mouth slightly crept up which was seen by his team.. But wasn't alarm instead matches him knowing the cause.

So~ you too are interested to little chibi~?

Hm~ hm~ it's hard to write down people that needed to remain anonymous yet easy when they do so in mind...

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