Chapter 1

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In the city of Theodorus the citizens were all up and about there baseness as they where all about trading with other's kingdoms unlike the Atlantans, that rather take what they want and leave a burning pice of ash that was once a city like the one place called gromeium and they where the kingdoms closest allies and the Atlantis attack it was under the night sky we the alleviators were and the king called Alfie sent the army to help the people to safety of the city but there was a soldier that was wounded, by a arrow to the knee

(Anyone guss the game this is from) comet the game let's see if you are right.

and the medic that was there to help him brought him to the city and the king help the medic and the soldier in to the city the king said "MY PEOPLE WERE ARE AT WAR WITH THE ATLANTIS AND THEY WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH IT AND THEY WILL COME FOR US AS WELL WE DO NOT SERENADER TO ANYONE he shouts and the kingdom's come to life with rours of approval from the crowd.

Xxxxx 12 years skip xxxxxx

Alice POV

that is where my story begins I was a little girl when my dad and mom left and never returned so I hat to look after my little sister she was a hand full but we got through the hardship of loading our parents to those fuckers of Atlantis, I have a Big vendetta against the king for killing my parents. I have not Forgotten how they died they died protecting the king they got ambushed, and the king said to my mum go and my mum said my king this is my duty that may help you my father on the other hand rallied the troops and tried to push the Atlantans back Barbie and mum got captured and Dad got captured as well they were made examples of it was not pretty by the Atlantean King he made mum impaled on a spike and Dad torn by horses like I said not pretty but the king Alfie was enraged and ask me do you want revenge I said "HELL YES SIR WHERE DO I SINE" the king then handed me a piece of paper that said that I agree to become a part of the assassins guild that my dad was lord of and feared by everyone.


That is all folks

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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