1. SHAURYA SABHARWAL : Student of economic in SIAC. . 2:Shaan Sabharwal : Shaurya's father and director of siac. . 3: Astha Sabharwal : Shaurya's mother and economic professor in SIAC 4:yash Sabharwal : Shaurya bother and geography professor in SIAC. 5:bebo: Shaurya's sister and students in SIAC and anokhi friend. 6: Anokhi Bhalla : students in SIAC 7:rama Bhalla : anokhi and bubli mother 8: ramesh Bhalla :a successful business man and anokhi and bubli father. 9:Ahir : anokhi best friend 10: reema :anokhi best friend 11:rishi : Shaurya best friend