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In ha POV

Ji sub sat across me and J with his eyes of course glued on J.

‘ So uhmm…’ what the hell am I supposed to call him??'. Mr. Russian Mafia , please explain why your face was under Hades’s name. How exactly are you Hades’s proxy?' I asked him.

Gosh! That was so awkward! I sounded like some crappy reporter!

He sighed shaking his head.

' That coward bastard of a father hid behind my face.’ Ji sub glared at the opposite wall probably reminiscing his horrible past.

' Okay…’ I said insisting him to continue.

' J was a baby when Hades started his mafia business. I tried to stop him but there was only little I  could do then. He promised me if I’ll be his shield he won’t harm J and my sister. He made sure our allies saw my face and forged documents in it’s favor. He even made me swear to not see J and yoo Jung . I had to live like a ghost. It was heartbreaking living like that not being able to know your own siblings. Later I came to know of father’s abusive acts towards them. When I questioned him about it , he said to be thankful they are alive. I was a coward then. I thought I was protecting them but it turned out I was hurting them. But that fucking bastard lied. He promised he won’t hurt you guys. I was stupid to fall for that. I should have taken you both out when I had the chance. '

Ji Sub took a deep breath.

' I only came to my f*cking  senses after yoo Jung died. When I came to take J with me it was already too late. You hid your tracks well , J . It took me years to find you.’ He laughed slightly.

I looked over at J. A small smile lingered on his face but other than that he looked very confused. I can relate to that. It’s not everyday a stranger comes forward and declare themselves as one’s brother.

' So was it you who did all the hacking all those years ago?? ' I asked him.

' Yeah'. Ji Sub smiled sheepishly. ‘Hades made me do it. I had no other choice.’ He quickly added.

No wonder Hades didn’t hack for a while.

I sighed. Things are getting so complicated and it’s giving me a major headache.

‘ Let’s sort that out later. For now let’s focus on catching Hades.’ Surprisingly it was J who spoke up and Ji Sub broke into a boyish grin.

' Don’t worry. If we combine our forces we can catch him in no time.’ Ji Sub said almost reassuringly.

‘So…do you have a plan??'  I asked.

‘ Yup! Gather the others and we can get to that right away!'

Is this guy high on sugar or something else???

I got up from my seat nevertheless. Figured they could use some alone time . They are brothers after all. I went downstairs where everyone else was waiting. The first thing I heard was yelling and howling. At first I thought it was BTS bickering among themselves. They can be so loud sometimes. But one of the voice was way too familiar.  I quickly descended the stairs and made my way to the living room.

The scene before me wasn’t anything new. Nothing big. Only Suzy strangling the American Mafia boss in a headlock.

The others?

They were watching the fight with amused looks. Especially my dear  brothers. Jin was eating popcorns enjoying the show.

Mom and Dad was too engrossed in themselves to even notice the fight.

' Guys!' I called out  in the hopes of stopping them.

No response. Suzy tightened her grip as Eunwoo kept calling tap.

Ouch! That must hurt a lot.

‘Go Suzy!! Show him what you’ve got!! Whoohoo!!!' Jungkook cheered along with the rest of BTS.

He’s such a baby!

Nevermind. I’ll deal with him later.

' Suzy!!' I yelled. That caught her attention. She immediately let go of Eunwoo who broke into a fit of coughs.

Thank God he’s alive!

I went up to Suzy. ' how can you choke someone just like that!!' I hissed.

She raised an eyebrow. ' should I teach you how to do it. Just you and I?'

Did my heart just skip a beat??  Nah , it must be from rushing down the stairs.

‘Cut the crap Suzy.’

She rolled her eyes.

' Apologize to Eunwoo right now.’ I said folding my arms.

' No! Why should I??' Suzy retorted.

‘Because- '

' it’s okay In ha.’ Eunwoo interjected. The poor guy barely has his voice. ' I’m totally fine.’ He gave an exasperated smile.

' Oh yeah? Let me fix that for you.’ Suzy challenged before taking a few steps forward as Eunwoo kept staggering back. I quickly caught her by her elbow and held her back.

' let me go! ' she yelled as she struggled in my hold.

' oh shut up!!' I snapped as I held her in place.

' well? What the hell are you all looking at?? Get your ass upstairs!! And Jungkook , take Eunwoo with you.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ Jungkook stood up and gave a small salute. That brat!

Quickly everyone , except I and Suzy , made their way upstairs.
As soon as they were out of sight I let her go.

' Why did you held me back?? I could have beaten the crap out of him.’

‘Yeah right.’ I said sarcastically.

‘Why are you taking his side?? You just met him a few hours ago.’

' I’m not taking his side!'

Suzy scoffed.

‘Look. Suzy , I know you are very overprotective. But please don’t go overboard. And if this can put you at ease then I’ll tell you , I have no interest in him and he’s not my type.’

Suzy seemed to relax at that. But something kept bothering me at the back of my mind. I didn’t tell her to give up like I always do.

I shook off the thoughts and grabbed her hand.

' let’s head upstairs. We’ve got a villain to catch.’


Mafia Brothers And Agent Sister |BTS ff|Where stories live. Discover now