chapter 16

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Avu's pov

  I stopped saying as I can't continue anymore. There is more to tell but idk how to explain further. Will it be ok? If I share this completely..? Idk I am confused and stucked so I stopped saying further.....

I sighed. Only I have to make the atmosphere light or else everyone will be crying over my fate.....

I looked at everyone. Everyone had tears in their eyes. Didu is crying bhai is trying to console her. I looked at Siddharth. He was already looking at me. There was something in his eyes.

May be

Honesty? Sincerity? Determination?

But why does his eyes shows so many emotions. Only for me or everyone sees the same emotions in his eyes....

I took a deep breath immediately breaking the eye contact and shaking my head.

Avu:ok! Ok! Enough of crying over my fate. Let's go and eat something. I am damn hungry.... If I won't eat anything now then I will faint again later u all will be worried more....

I said pouting. They all chuckled. My lips to curved in to a smile.

We all left towards dinning table and sat. I took my plate filled it with rice and curry. I was about to eat it but then some one snatched it from my hand. I looked up and saw it's Abhi dada.

Abhi: I will feed u. Sit down.

He made me sit down and started feeding me. Tears formed in my eyes. Tears are part of my life till the day I born but in the past they were sad tears but now these are happy tears. Noone ever feed me except my mother now seeing him feeding me made me feel something. I looked at him with teary eyes.... He too looked at me.

Abhi: what happened bacha??

I immediately shook my head. Wiping the tears. Now I shouldn't cry.

Sid's pov

  She looked happy. Her tears told me that. She is happy being with my family. Now it became her's too.... I am genuinely happy for her. Dada is always a dad for me now he is trying to be her dad too   he is now showing her dad's love in the form of brother. What more a girl need when she have her brother with her?

But there is something which is bugging me. Some part of my heart is saying that she isn't telling the complete part of her life and my brain is accepting it but why? Doesn't she wants to share it fully with us...? Isn't she uncomfortable with us still to share her life....???

After lunch they  all went to their rooms to sleep or to do anything.  I went  to my study and checked my mails there is a mail from arob. Yes! I asked him to find everything about Rahul. I totally forgot about it. I immediately opened that mail only to get shock.

Name: Rahul Oberoi
Ceo of Oberoi industries and fashion designing company.
Wife name: rithu Kaur Oberoi
Son name: Karthik Oberoi.

  What made me stunned was his wife is dead. It's an accident. Rithu is avneet's sister only. Why is she dead now? From what she said to me and all of us till now didn't make any reason for her to ran away from there....

That means there is something related between her sister death and her running away but what is it???

I immediately called dada here and showed him the mail. He too visibly shocked.

Abhi: that means avu didn't tell us everything.

I nodded.

Sid: dada. I think we should wait. We can't force us to tell us completely what happened to her. We need to wait. This is the only option we had now.

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