The Bar

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As soon as the elevator doors opened, I found myself hurrying out of it. I don't appreaciate being lifted by a box, containing nothing more, than just supposedly „calming" music. I looked around in confusion. Where was I? I scanned the place and my eyes met with and equaly puzzled man. I looked around again. The chances of him bringing me here were low.. I can't remember anything..

"Hey, where are we?" The man asked. I slightly lifted my shoulder, letting him know I didn't had an anwer. A frown formed upon the male's face and without much thought he walked across the coridor. I didn't had much choice, but to follow him. The aura here was giving me and uneasy feeling. Discomfort. Fear. Almost sadness. Or maybe it wasn't the place. Maybe it was just the fear of something bad happening. I slight smile curved up. I read too many books. We took a turn and I couldn't feel more suprised to face a bar and two people. A bartender and a woman. I can understand the bartender, for obvious reasons.. But what about her? Is she a customer? Did she came here like we did? What is going on..

"Come on in. Welcome to Quindecim." The bartender spoke and they both bowed. The woman asked us to take a seat and walked next to Decim. The man walked and sat without saying much, while I didn't even move. Mixed feeling were flowing around in my mind. I was stunned by the looks of this place. I really wouldn't mind sitting at the gorgeous bar and buying a delicious drink. I felt the gaze of three people. Where they waiting for me? Was I really important there?

"Would you please join us?" The bartender asked expressionless. I stared at him for a bit, but he didin't even thought about looking away. Am I being impolite by declining his offer? Or is he the rude one, by staring at me like that? Is this appropiate? I didn't say anything as I looked away and took a seat. He slighty nodded, as if approving my choice and continued.

"Since now you are seated, I can introduce myself. I am your bartender, Decim. Now then, excuse my abruptness, but I must ask you a quesion" I felt my curiousity popping out of nowhere and forcing my head to lift and turn to him. "Do you remember anything from just before you came here?"

What an odd question. It's as if he knew. I looked at the person beside me. I lost. He was already looking at me, waiting for an answer. What am I supposed to say? I thought for a moment before opening my mouth with a slight wave of extiment.

"I remember coming home from work. And I remember seeing my cats.. But that's about it" I said. I remembered something and sighed in a slight relief. Yeah.. I worked at a bar. From the looks of it, I didn't change my work clothes.

"Thank you for your answer." Decim bowed and looked at the man.

"what about you?" The man lifted his head up and thought. He seemed more relaxed than before. Actually, he looked an old, annoyed man, disturbed by every smile or person he saw. But he's no older than 25. And his face aswell as arm muscles had a nice shape to them.

"No clue. Well, nevermind that right now. How about a drink? Give me some whiskey, will you?" he said to Decim. He really was different than I expected from the second I saw this man.

"Thank you. Would you prefer your whiskey with ice or without it?"


He looks like he knows something about what tastes good. A swallowed a mouthfull of saliva. Alchocol sounds like the best idea right now. The woman looked at me, handing me the meniu.

"Would you like anything?" asked. I nodded and reached for the meniu. I quickly scanned it with. I knew a lot of these drink. A sigh left my mouth and I gave the meniu back to her. I guess I worried too much about this place.

"A Russian Quaalude" I said. Decim nodded and handed the man his whiskey, then proceeded to make my ordered drink.

"I would intorduce myself, but I don't remember my name" the man said, after taking a sip. I layed my eyes on him. He was, indeed, talking to me. I smiled to him.

"The same goes for me" And it was true. I may forget most things, but how could I not remember something so often usable? He nods and drinks. When I received my own drink, I lifted it from the table and looked at it. It was light coloured and smelled amazing. I tested the flavour of it. Dear God, it's so much more than I expected. I let this wonderful liquid fill my mouth and placed the glass on the counter, where it belonged.

"Now then, I will explain the situation you were put into. I ask that you please pay close attention" Decim said. We both looked at him. I felt my just a moment ago relaxed muscles all sudenly tensed.

"One!" the girl said, bending arm and pointing her left hands index finger up.

"First, I cannot answer the question of where you are."


"Two!" the girl said again lifting her middle finger next to her index one.

"We will soon have the two of you play a game."


"Three!" she announced as her three fingers were help upwards.

"The game you play will be decided by a roulette."

A board came down from behind them with a loud thud that almost made me gasp. It was of a little, smilling girl, skating on ice. The board was divided into 9 pieces and looked more of a puzzle than a roulette.

"This is a.. ruolette?" I questioned with a murmur. But they seemed either not to hear or ignore my statement.

"Oi, Oi! That's not a.." the man said, before being interrupted.


"You will risk your lives at this game."


It was the sound of confusion in both my and the man's voices. Lives? What is he talking about?

"This isn't funny! I'm getting out of here" The guy stood up. They didn't seem to care or stop him. Maybe they're giving us an option? I don't want to die. I'm not the best at games. And if he's going, there's no point in acting like a suicidal freak. I placed my hand on the counter and left my seat. I knew my feelings for this place were right when I got here. But I can just go home.

"Five!" the girl continued, with five fingers. The man had already turned his back to them and was taking his first steps away from the bar. I took my first and froze as I heard the following words.

"Also, until the game is over, you cannot leave this bar."

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