The End

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I heard someone clapping. I continued to stare at the ground, digging my fingernails into my skin for no real reason. It isn't going to stop me from crying, anyway. I wiped my face and after suddenly feeling very energetic, I got up.  I'm.. dead.. I don't exist anymore. My body turned into nothing. But I'm here. Where is „here" exactly? The after life? I looked up. This place was so beautiful.. But it can't possibly be heaven. If it were heaven, it wouldn't hurt so much. I would be happy. I would meet my mother. I would be calm. I slowly walked to the others, but stopped at a reasonable distance. The claps were coming from Decim and his assistance.

"Congratulations" Decim spoke. "Mr. Kiyoshi is the winner. The game has ended. If both of you would, please move over this way." He held his hand towards the elevators.

I looked over at Kiyoshi. He looked like he was paralyzed. But that didn't last very long. He blinked a few times and his face became more relaxed. An unexpected smirk appeared on his face and he looked at me.

"Oh, so it explains then. The memory loss, the freaks here, the game. We're dead." Chuckles. He talked with such ease.. Even the emotionless Decim looked at him with wider eyes than usual. I looked down.

"Don't you even care that you're dead?" I whispered.

"Why would I be? I was planning my death for two weeks. It feels so great to finally relax and get away from everything."

Planning? Great? Relax? I couldn't believe what words were escaping his mouth. The smirk turned into a warm smile. I couldn't understand him. My lip slightly whimpered.

"But why did you have to destroy another person's life? Nori didn't deserve this. Why did you drug her?" My voice became louder and angrier as the sentence reached it's end. He yawned. I stared shocked at him. After feeling such an empty puppet a second ago, I turned more human with emotions.

"Why is it such a game to you? You made her commit suicide.. Don't you feel any guilt? Why are you such a horrible person?" I growled. "What's wrong with you?!"

He looked at me.

"What's wrong with me? I'll tell you what's fucking wrong. Having a miserable life. Not receiving any love from anyone. Getting beat up for no other reason, but just for a good laugh. Everyone around me turned me wrong. What the hell was I supposed to do? All I could think about was getting revenge on anyone I layed my eyes on. I wanted other people to suffer like I did. And you know what? I'm fucking happy." Tears appeared in his eyes and his voice slowly broke down.

"You're.. Happy? You're happy because you killed somebody? I wasn't able to do anything because of you. I was desperate for money and you used that against me. I felt guilt from the very second I excepted your money. I didn't want anything. All I wanted was to make things right. But with such a broken soul, I wasn't able to do anything.. You made me suffer.. If you didn't poisoned her drink.. If you didn't even came that night to this soecific place.. I would have been okay.." Hot tears reached my chin and fell on the ground. I knew he was staring. They were staring. It hurt. I grabbed onto my chest. "I still feel guilt this very moment. I didn't have the best life either. I wanted to kill myself everyday. But I never thought about harming others. Only a psycho like you would think such a thing!" I screamed at him. He looked shocked. His mouth slightly dropped down and he frowned. He looked hurt.

"I'm not a psycho.. Everyone around me is one. So, what if I killed someone?! How the fuck do you know if she was a good or a bad person??"

"What the hell does it matter?! She was a human being just like everyone else! Why did you chose her and not someone else? There are much worse humans out there! You pig.. Asshole.. If you wanted to die so badly, why didn't you just take our own life by yourself, not involving anyone else?"

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