Chapter 1

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It was one fine morning in the Malhotra Mansion. Everyone were busy with their own chores. Arjun had headed up to the office as he had received an emergency call from one of his employees who had called him to inform that there were some issues with the financial expenses. He didn't even wish Pooja a "Good morning" before he left which hurted Pooja. At first,she cribbed on the fact that he didn't wish her early morning but later consoled herself saying that he might be in a tension or he might have forgotten about her. She chose to not let it disturb her. After washing the vessels,she went to Arjun's room which was now both's. She had a new feeling of sharing her room with a man whom she loved and adored the most. Yes,she loved Arjun. She loved him to the core. She loved him so much that she came to a conclusion that she can't live without him. Though she didn't knew what Arjun thinks about her,she still kept loving him like no one had ever loved him. She used to adore his personality a lot. She was in awe of his cuteness and hotness both at the same time. She would love the way he maintained his strict personality. She used to try being the way he liked her to be but he never appreciated her. There was a time when she used to dress  up in modern clothes just for him but was left heartbroken when he didn't compliment her. This had happened several times with her. Once,she had cooked his favourite food but was disheartened when he didn't even have a bite of the food she made for him. After that,so many things made her stop seeking attention from him. She understood that she'll never be able to make him fall for her and hence,kept quiet. It was around 8 in the night when Arjun arrived home. He came home,got freshened up and didn't even speak to Pooja. He spoke to everyone except Pooja. Pooja felt embarrassed. Since they lived in a joint family,it was quite evident of missing a conversation with one person and it tended to be Pooja the whole time. The family was halfly satisfied with Pooja. The reason was that Arjun's grandfather adored the Roy's family from the beginning and wanted Pooja to become Malhotra's daughter-in-law though no one in the family agreed for it. They didn't torture her but didn't treat her the way she had to be treated. They gave her shelter,good food and all the luxurious things but never treated her the way any daughter-in-law had to be treated. Sometimes,no one spoke to her after the sad demise of Arjun's grandfather. When anyone brought gifts,all would get them except Pooja. She at first ignored it but later on realised that she will be treated this way for the rest of her lifetime. She didn't have the courage to tell her parents about it as her parents thought that Pooja was being treated like a queen in the house but the truth kept hidden. At times,she even slept with an empty stomach as no one allowed her to sit in the dining table when everyone were having their food. She was somewhat treated like an "Untouchable thing" which brought tears in her eyes. She was made to clean the vast,marble floors from the coy statements of her mother-in-law ( Arjun's mother ). She was mocked for the way she looked and for the way she dressed up from Arjun's younger sisters and cousins. She stopped smiling. She lost her precious smile which her parents had once named "The most beautiful smile".


Hi sweeties 😃 Updated the 1st chapter 💗 I hope that you all will like it ❤️ Don't forget to vote and comment ✨

Yours Truly,
ShaPoo's Craziest Fan 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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