Moto Moto

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Moto Moto has always been my idol, who i look up to the most. He is the reason i get up in the morning, get dressed, and have my breakfast. But the thing is, he is a fictional cartoon character. I would just love to meet him in real life. He is the most important thing in my life, and i would die for him.

Chapter one
Me and my family were going to a fun fair today, not for any particular reason. I got up, got dressed in my favourite Moto Moto T-shirt and had cereal while watching the Moto Moto scene on repeat, like i usually do. But today, the Moto Moto scene was oddly more enjoyable than usual, i didn't know why at all. Once i finished my Moto Moto designed cornflakes, i sat inside of my Moto Moto painted car with my little sister Becky, my mum and my dad. Becky was annoying me and complaining how the seats had Moto Moto's face on them. "Why are you so obsessed with him? He's not even real, you dumbo!" She bawled. "He may not be real for you, but he's real in my eyes." I calmly said back to her. She really gets on my nerves sometimes. Especially when she talks rubbish about my idol and the one i love the most. "Please do not be mean to your big sister, Becky." My mum said. "Ugh whatever!" She wailed. "And anyway, Moto Moto is ugly! He's so ugly he makes you look pretty!" At that moment i slammed on the brakes. I felt my whole body fill up with a red hot flaming rage, and i felt my face turn a dramatic colour of dark red. "What did you... just... say...?!" I screamed. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!" I was never in my life this exasperated. Becky started to sob, looking fearful. I couldn't blame her honestly, I was so mad and so enraged i was going insane and turning into a psychopath. Nobody calls Moto Moto ugly. Nobody. Unless they want to get beaten really bad. And i mean really, really, REALLY bad. I yanked my sister out of her seat by her hair. I think about 2-3 clumps of hair fell out, leaving her mostly bald seen as she barely has any hair. She screamed but i wouldn't let go. I started driving to throw her out of the window onto the road, but i was out of control and i crashed. Everything went blurry and there was a ringing in my ear.

Chapter two
I must've fell asleep, because i woke up in a world i had never seen before. I was confused at first, but then it started to look familiar. Oddly, nobody else was in the car. Where did my family go? I wondered. I got out of the damaged vehicle and wandered around. And then I finally realised. This is Africa! The place where Moto Moto meets Gloria in the movie Madagascar 2! I walked around for another bit until i finally got to the area where Moto Moto was! It couldn't be a dream, no, it felt too real. I pinched myself to make sure. Nope. This was real life. I walked over to the hippos and saw Gloria! I gave her a dirty look so she doesn't steal my man. "Im warning you now. You better not steal him from me." She didn't say anything and waddled her big body away. At that moment, I began to see him. The one I've loved the most all my life, the one i live for, the one i would die for, the one i look up to. The one and only, Moto Moto. At that moment my life changed. He came over to me. He was way bigger and plumper than i thought he was. He whispered into my ear, "you're mine baby, forever." He kneeled on one knee and proposed to me with a 69.9 carat gold ring with a huge diamond. "OH MY GOD, YES YES YES!" I was never as happy as now. I started to cry tears of joy. This was a dream come true.

Me and Moto Moto are happily married now. We live in a Moto Moto designed mansion, with 69 Moto Moto babies. I am living in the dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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