Less Depresso

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Friday November 13th

Sam is dead. I'm still waiting for somebody to pinch me and tell me it was dream but it hasn't happened. it doesn't make any sense, out of all of us he was the one with his shit together, the stuff we could see at least. Stable family, committed relationship, and a job he was happy in. 

Erin's phone begins to vibrate she looks across her cluttered desk to an illuminated phone screen, an alarm labelled Less Depresso is going off. 

Shit !!, where did I take my pills last ..was it at the desk or on my bed ?  ah...There they are 

Erin pushes a large pile  of untouched college work to one side  and finds her pills, she sleepily stumbles to the kitchen, fills a glass with water and heads back to her room. Only a week earlier Erin's life was as stable as the average First year English Literature student, A schedule filled early morning lectures and afternoons in the library.  It's amazing how one night can change so much. 

Monday October 5th

SURVIVED!!! I'm a month into college and I've actually managed to get through it without any breakdowns.  Erin 1 /anxiety 0. Talked to Sam last night he said he was enjoying college in the west. when he's not doing work he's up a mountain or going for walks on gorgeous beaches, he's sent pictures they really are beautiful. He's found a job in a local café and  He's already gushing over  one of the regulars. Sam seems to think its mutual though as this mystery seems to make sure Sam serves him everyday so the can chat. 

Sunday October  11th

This is the first time I've been able to write in the last few days. I've had so much work to get through. One of my lecture's gave us the task of writing a debate for or against the motion: There are often valid basis to a conspiracy theorists theories. Like seriously how in this day and age someone can be confident arguing the earth is flat baffles me. I haven't spoken to Sam since Monday he is probably just busy with college though so I'll wait for him to call me. 

To Be Continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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