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A/N: I apoligize for this very shitty, short chapter. Definetly have writers block going on.


Today is the day the vogue pictures come out and I'm buzzing with nervousness and excitement. As I'm laying next to Shark, Zoe and Drew are scrolling through the pictures on my phone, practically gawking over them.

"If I wasn't straight I'd literally jerk off to these," Drew stated.

"Oh my god," I chuckled, snatching my phone from her hand.

"Adam isn't allowed to see these," Zoe joked.

"And how are you gonna make that happen?" I questioned to which she just shrugged.

"Nah but for real you look amazing Bil," Zoe exclaimed, Drew nodding in agreement.

"Well, I'm about to post the first one," I took a deep breath, typing out the description. I'm mainly excited for the fans to read the Vogue article. I want them to understand that they can do and wear whatever they want whenever they want. You don't need others approval.


As I'm tagged in yet another Instagram story, my face lights up seeing that Carter had posted.

As I'm tagged in yet another Instagram story, my face lights up seeing that Carter had posted

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I let out a tiny squeal before reposting it to my story without a second thought. Soon enough I receive a text from her.

Carter: I could've sworn I saw you at the mall today but it turned out to be some other incredibly attractive blond

Billie: pfft you know i don't go to the mall

Carter: True

Carter: I guess I just missed you

Billie: it's been 2 days

Carter: And?

Billie: well i have been thinking shark and ollie should meet

Carter: You should 100% bring Shark over right now

Billie: bet. i'll be there in 10

Carter: Can't wait ;)


"I just gained like five trillion new followers," Carter exaggerated as she opened the door for me.

"Oops," I covered my mouth, making Carter let out an adorable giggle.

"Hi Sharky," she cooed, leaning down to pet Shark.

"Bil-bil," Hazelee exclaimed, running quickly over to me. I happily kneeled down, engulfing her in a hug, moving out of the way so Carter could close her door.

"Sorry, I didn't even think before reposting the story. I can delete it if you want," I apologized, removing Sharks leash.

"Nah, you're fine," Carter waved it off. Just then, Ollie came scrurring out from Carter's bedroom. We watched carefully as they snifed each other, then running off into the living room together.

"I guess they like each other," I smiled happily.


About 2 hours later, Shark and Ollie were laying on the couch next to Carter who was scrolling through her phone. Hazelee had already gone to sleep and I sat there, enjoying the company. My phone buzzed and I looked at the screen, seeing that Carter had posted another story.

 My phone buzzed and I looked at the screen, seeing that Carter had posted another story

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"Wait, what are you looking at?" Carter asked skeptically.

"Your story," I answered.

"Do you have notifs on for my account?" She raised a brow.

"N-no," I stuttered, my cheeks turning red.

"You're adorable Bil," she chuckled, standing up to sit next to me on the couch.

"You think?"

"I know so," she smirked, straddling my waist.

"You know, everyone is gonna know that that's Shark?" I questioned.

"Yeah," she shrugged, her arms wrapping around my neck.

"You don't care?"

"No, why would I?"

"I don't know. Some people don't want to be followed by so many people."

"I value our relationship, I don't care and if I did I'd just private my account," she shrugged, placing her forehead on mine.

"And what kind of relationship do we have?" I accidentally blurted out.

"I-well, I enjoy being around you, I enjoy kissing you, and I enjoy not labelling us..." she trailed off.

"Me too," I smiled, connecting our lips.


Word count: 629 :(

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