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Hey everyone!

Please be aware that there might be many inconsistencies, typos, grammatical errors, or plotholes that I might miss even after I've edited. I'm still trying to improve my writing.

In case you are unaware, this book is a spinoff to a three-part series on my account (The Anti Series, consisting of Anti, Facade, and Abscond) and takes place directly after the storyline of the trilogy. Due to the nature of spinoffs, it is not necessary at all for you to have read the trilogy before reading this one, but I'd recommend you do for 1. It will give you the events before this book that sets up the universe and it might be easier to understand that way and 2. If you haven't read the Anti Series this will obviously give spoilers to it.

Again, you do not have to have read the trilogy before this, but I recommend it.

This book is my first one that covers both social issues (friendship, forgiveness, judgement, and some analysis on human nature) and mental health (particularly PTSD and anxiety). 

Hope you all enjoy and if you were one of my original Anti Series readers, welcome back! :D

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