Prologue Two

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Around Twelve Years Ago...

"Alright, children, everybody sit down in your seats!"

Young Minho rushed to his colorful chair at the command of his kindergarten teacher, his energetic body immediately beginning to fidget in his seat. today was another day at school, and he was very excited to play with the other kids.

Minho expectantly looked up at his teacher at the front of the classroom when he noticed that there was a boy he had never seen before standing right next to her. The first thing he observed about the boy was that he had relatively fluffy hair. it looked really cute on him.

"Today, we have a new student joining us! This is Chan, everyone say hi to him and make him feel welcome, okay class?" The teacher then turned to the boy next to her. "Chan, you can go sit at whichever open seat you want."

Minho watched as the fluffy-haired boy shyly walked over to the table near the back of the classroom. The two other kids at that table greeted him shortly before turning back to a conversation of their own.

The boy looked lonely and a bit sad as he stared at his fidgeting hands.

Maybe he could talk to him at recess. He seemed like he needed a friend.


Once recess rolled around, Minho tried to look for the fluffy-haired boy all over the playground, yet he was having trouble trying to find him. He was about to give up when he finally spotted the boy he was looking for alone on the swings. He was simply just sitting there on the swings, his young eyes set onto the ground in thought.

Minho approached the boy on the swings and stopped in front of him, speaking in a friendly tone. "Hi! Your name is Chan, right?"

Chan looked up at Minho, a bit of surprise covering his face. "Yeah..."

Minho smiled wide. "I'm Minho! Do you want to be friends?"

Chan's eyes widened slightly. "Really? I-I... I've never had a friend before..."

Minho giggled, sitting on the swing right next to the other boy. "That's okay. I'll just be your first friend. We can be friends forever, I promise!"

"You promise?"

Minho nodded happily, sticking his pinky out towards the other. "Yes! I promise."

A small smile graced Chan's face as he locked his own pinky with the enthusiastic other boy.

"Thank you, Minho. I'll be your friend forever too just because you're so nice!"

A/N hey friends, hows it going? id like to apologize from the bottom of my heart for how delayed this update was. the reason for this unfortunate delay was because i was busy writing my first anniversary special. my first anniversary was back in july and i wanted to write a special book for all of my followers so i started that as a bit of a side project. due to that, the writing process for it was really really slow and it seemed like by the time i was going to finish it, it was probably going to be like literally next year. so what i did was just make the decision to simply just drop all of my other projects for a bit so i can solely focus on writing that special. i just finally finished writing and posting it all last week, and im ready to resume all of my other projects now that im finished including this book. i feel really really bad that i did this and left you all waiting for so long because i know how many of y'all were so hyped for this, and i practically abandoned this for like two months. i hope you all can forgive me for doing this and hopefully i will be able to live up to the expectations i set in the future and not be a disappointment to my audience. thank you all so much for your understanding.

(if you want to go read my first anniversary special, you can find it on my profile! it's an ateez x peter pan au and its called "peter san, that's what they call me" ;) hehe)

anyways, to lighten the mood, i wanted to do one of those like question of the day things for this book for every chapter, but i don't think updates will be every day so i'll just call it question of the chapter lol. so for the first one...

QOTC: who is your favorite character from the anti series? mine is honestly probably slick. i love jeongin's character so much even though he has a sad backstory :(


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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