The Cave

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Lewis sat in the back of the van as Arthur drove the van with Ben sat next to him and Vivi right next to Ben,Lewis didn't much seem to complain over being in the back of the van but honestly he felt left out.

Not like he was jealous or anything,he didn't hate Arthur or Benjamin he was only feeling left out that's all. Arthur and Benjamin smiled to eachother whilst Vivi happily barked at the two Lewis on the other hand looked away much,he knew he wasn't.. jealous. Why would he be? They were his friends,nothing to be jealous over at all since all of them will stay as friends.

Arthur would stop by at a cave in which Lewis tried to protest this didn't seem like a good idea but Benjamin dragged him out the van and into the cave anyways with Arthur and Vivi following behind,Vivi seemed to be a bit.. cautious as soon as they entered the cave which Lewis pratically noticed but shrugged it off.

" Hey! Guys look! There's two paths "

Arthur spoke up looking at the two paths,Lewis here started to have a bad feeling and ended up agreeing to go with Arthur leaving Ben to go with Vivi. The group split up into two duos as one entered the path on the left and the other entered the path on the right,as Lewis and Arthur walked they ended up near a ledge of a cliff and on the way down there was a bunch of cave spikes. Arthur curiously peered over the ledge to look down at the spikes while Lewis stood back,suddenly hearing a voice.. from his head? He wasn't sure..

" Push him.. "

The voice in his head spoke,Lewis refused. He would never do that to Arthur,never ever.

" You know your jealous he's having Ben's attention most of the time. "

Lewis tried to block out the voice in his head,he knew he wasn't jealous over that why was this voice trying to get him to push Arthur even?

" Fine. If your not doing it,i will "

Lewis didn't understand at first till he felt his left arm slowly feel numb- like as if he wasn't in control of his left arm it started to spread to the left side of his face,before he could do anything at all whatever controlled him had went and pushed Arthur right off the ledge. Causing Arthur to rather scream at this,Benjamin here was at the cave spikes near the cliff so he had watched Arthur be pushed off.

" Arthur! "

Ben had yelled in a panic,Vivi seeing this she had went to go to Lewis at the cliff much. Arthur had landed right into the spikes,one specificly right through the left side of his chest. Intense pain washed over him as a lot blood came out,in this situation Arthur couldn't get himself to move considering the spike right through his chest it had killed him almost instantly while looking up to the ledge of the cliff seeing Lewis there looking down.. and smiling..

Lewis tried to fight off the spirit trying to fully control him to no avail,he did not notice the kitsune behind him who seemed hesitant to do anything. They then bit Lewis' left arm and pratically bit off the arm

Meanwhile with Benjamin an orange glow going over to him as his eyes glowed orange,not understanding the situation at all.

Last thing Lewis pratically remembered now was passing out,as he was in pain of losing his left arm.

Next thing Lewis knew was that he woke up in a room.. a hospital room? He carefully sat up and went to rub his head,taking a whole moment to realize his left arm was missing. He didn't remember what had happened so pratically he had panicked not noticing Benjamin entering with Vivi in worry,Benjamin noticing Lewis awake he'd run over and hug the man a bit carefully causing Lewis to yelp in surprise then realize its Benjamin.

" Oh my god your okay! Im so glad your okay!.. "

Lewis glanced at Vivi,why wasn't Arthur with them? He'd slowly hug back with his right arm,the hug lasted for a minute or two. Benjamin eventually let go of Lewis

" Ben?.. Where's Arthur? "

Lewis eventually asked looking at Ben,who.. looked confused? Why did he look confused..? Lewis awaited for an answer much

" Who's Arthur,Lewis? "

Upon hearing the question,Lewis froze in shock. Did.. Did Ben forget Arthur? That.. No.. That can't be.. He didn't understand at all

" What do you mean Ben?.. Arthur is our friend! "

" Lewis,i think your talking about someone else you only know.. I dont remember befriending someone named Arthur "

Why did.. Why did Benjamin not remember? Why did he not remember? Lewis knew Arthur was their friend. It seems so far impossible for Ben to just forget Arthur completely,he wanted answers but he didn't know how to get the answers.. He really didnt know. If Vivi wasn't a dog he's ask her but she is so he can't,he'd sound insane to ask a dog where Arthur is. Obviously he would sound insane cause a dog can't even talk at all,in honesty he kinda wished he understood what dogs say when they bark.

Lewis only remembered the cave.. and Arthur was still around,whatever happened at that cave ended up with himself losing his arm and be in the hospital while Ben mysteriously forgot who Arthur was. He pratically now gave himself the task to find Arthur and wish Arthur has the answers he needs.. if finding him was gonna be easy that is,he hoped it will be easy.


Yeah this is trash smfh

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